Like so many folks around here it seems, I want to get back into the game after about 10-15 years out. I played religiously for 10 years then slowed down as life got in the way and teams fell apart. I lost the majority of my gear in a flood 10 years ago but a matrix, an ego, and a few things that were on the second floor survived. As I start assembling some new kit, I'm trying to decide on a new loader. I ran halos, some with Boost kits and v35 boards, but they seem to have gone the way of the Buffalo. Since it appears the rare-of-fire arms race has ended I don't quite understand the 200$ price tags on some loaders these days.
Do yall have any preferences, and why one loader is the way to go?
Do yall have any preferences, and why one loader is the way to go?