Went through this last year. Hadn’t played in 20 years, pulled out my 20 year old marker, it worked, then proceeded to buy 8 different guns. Some new cool ones, some old ones that I couldn’t afford back “in the day”.
Every somewhat high end marker produced in the last 10 years is mind blowing compared to what I remember, but the 10’ish bps cap levels the playing field so to speak so you have options. Pick a reliable spool that fits your hands good and go to town.. then buy something else if you want to tinker.
Every somewhat high end marker produced in the last 10 years is mind blowing compared to what I remember, but the 10’ish bps cap levels the playing field so to speak so you have options. Pick a reliable spool that fits your hands good and go to town.. then buy something else if you want to tinker.