As others have mentioned try and use the natural terrain as bunkers if you can it saves money and time and such. If you can get things like pallets,spools etc for free or very low cost they make excellent bunkers. I also highly agree with the idea of getting people out to play then seeing if they'll come help build the field as well. My home field (now sadly closed) used to have build/cleanup days. We'd all head out there and clean up the field and build some new bunkers or design new field layouts etc. When it was all said and done bonfire with pizza and some beer.
+1 for having at least some water available so people aren't dying or if someone runs out of their own.
I also am in support of trying to keep plastic etc out of nature so I'd definitely have a recycling bin for spent 12g and a garbage can for everything else. I'd also enforce using dump pouches for spent 12g as well.
I'd also look to marking the boundaries of your land, especially when you're actively playing so that no bystanders wander in, last thing you need is a lawsuit because someone hiking around got blasted because they walked down the wrong path for example. I used to play outlaw with some friends in the woods behind their home and we'd let all the neighbors know we were playing so to not go back there for a while, we also got yellow caution tape and would string it around the edges so it was obvious we were in there. Seemed to work out well
+1 for having at least some water available so people aren't dying or if someone runs out of their own.
I also am in support of trying to keep plastic etc out of nature so I'd definitely have a recycling bin for spent 12g and a garbage can for everything else. I'd also enforce using dump pouches for spent 12g as well.
I'd also look to marking the boundaries of your land, especially when you're actively playing so that no bystanders wander in, last thing you need is a lawsuit because someone hiking around got blasted because they walked down the wrong path for example. I used to play outlaw with some friends in the woods behind their home and we'd let all the neighbors know we were playing so to not go back there for a while, we also got yellow caution tape and would string it around the edges so it was obvious we were in there. Seemed to work out well