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Virginia woodsball
Just a reminder about the April 29th night game. I have 18 people signed up right now, including 3 pumps.
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That's awesome. The more the merrier. If you want to meet up and get a tour of the field sometime before that, let me know. I'd love to show you around.
This is awesome - I’ve seen you post about the group you play with a few places (including the YMCA near Brooke Park) and I’ve been meaning to reach out. I’m in Spotsy and I’m 99.99% sure I can make the 29th!
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This is awesome! I live in NoVA and occasionally make it down to Fredericksburg for a weekend here and there. Going to miss the April 29th chance, but hopefully will be out in the Fall if you’ll have me. +Subscribed
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I've been talking with a lot of our regular players over the week, and it looks like April 29th is the best day for this last game of the season. Playtime will be 7:00-10:00, and the sun doesn't set until 8:00, so even if you've never been to the field before, there will be plenty of time to learn the course before it gets dark.
We're asking everyone to chip in $10-$20 to help pay for lighting and glow sticks so we have enough light to safely play. Besides that, it's $5 for air and $15 for 500 paintballs.
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A few updates:
I'm pretty sure an April game is going to happen, but it's not going to be on April 8th. Easter is on the 9th, and a lot of the regulars are saying that there's too much going on that weekend to play. So, we're looking at other days. April 22 and 29 both look promising, but I need to hear back from more people before making the call. If one of those weekends is better than the other for you, please comment and let me know.
This is going to be a night game. I recently found these camping lanterns, which should be perfect for this (hence why we're charging everyone an extra $10). If we can hang 10-20 of these lanterns on the field, they should provide enough light to move around safely, but it will still be dark enough for some sneak attacks.
I already bought a few of these lanterns and did some experimenting. The results are very encouraging. Only 4 of these lanterns lit up about 1/4 of the field. You still need to move a little slower than usual to avoid tripping on stuff, but you won't be groping blindly in the dark.
If you're still worried about visibility, you can make yourself a cheap barrel-mounted flashlight. Get yourself one of these barrel mounts, and then buy a nice penlight like this. If you put some electrical tape on the clamping surface of the mount, that will keep it from scratching your barrel. A bunch of us did this last time, and it worked really well. If you leave the flashlight on when you're shooting, the light reflects back to you as the paintballs shoot and they look like tracer rounds. It's really fun.
Anyway, let me know if you'd like to come. Like I said, the game will be on April 22 or 29, probably. We will arrive at the field at 7:00 PM and play until 10:00 or so. That gives up enough time to set things up before it gets dark, and if you've never been to the field before, showing up early will give you a chance to get the lay of the land before the sun goes down.
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Well, March 11 is going to be small, but honestly that's not a big deal to me. It's pretty rare to go the whole season without at least one game cancelled due to low numbers or bad weather, so to have enough players to run all five games so far (even if tomorrow's game is really small) is rather special.
Also, hopefully the April 8th game will still happen. There seems to be enough interest for one so far. I'd really like to do a night game, actually. We did it once before, and it was a lot of fun. Everyone brings flashlights, and we all chip in an extra $10 to pay for a ton of glowsticks. That gives the field just enough light to move around safely once your eyes adjust to the dark. Plus the play time would be something like 6:00 - 10:00 PM, so you can get all your chores done that morning and come out to play at night.
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Well, the March 11 game is shrinking fast. Painthappy and lazer can't make it. I'll still be there with some local guys, and we MIGHT have 10 players, but half of them will be kids. I won't take it personally if you want to stay home tomorrow and wait to come some other time when the numbers are better.
You guys can bring your own paint if you want, or you can buy paint from me. I always buy a few cases to resell to everyone. We usually only go through about 500 rounds per person, so it just makes more economical sense that way. If you do want to buy from me, just please let me know with certainly by March 1st that you're coming. I need a week to order the paint and get it shipped in time for the game.
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I can make plans.
I'll bring the MCB banner again, maybe this time someone will take pics who knows how to upload them. (unlike myself)
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March 11 might be the last game of the season, by the way. I know April 8th is on the schedule, but it's often too warm in April for us to play. The field gets really musty and buggy.
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Just a reminder about the next game at my club's field. February 11 at 10:00 AM (assuming it doesn't rain).
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