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Virginia woodsball

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    Virginia woodsball

    Anyone out there near Fredericksburg, Virginia? I've been running a local woodsball club for a few years. We play at a small private field behind my old church. Real nice set-up. Relaxed games. Really affordable (usually spend less than $30/day). Anywhere from 8-16 players, usually.

    If you're interested, let me know. Only "requirement" for coming out is good sportsmanship. We usually play hopperball, and we call all hits (even ones that don't break), so if you're overly competitive and love shooting loads of paint, this might not be the place for you.
    View my feedback or read about my Virginia woodsball club.

    Let me make you something. I build pneumags, auto-response frames, and wooden pill cases.

    I live in the northern part of Chesapeake (Western Branch). I’m glad I came across your post because I’ve recently been researching places to play around the area. I’m a stockclass player so you don’t have to worry me about shooting loads of paint! Do you have a website or more information about your Woodsball Club? Feel free to PM me the info.
    Thanks in advance!


      I am in tappahannock. I have been talking to rawbutter and plan on playing with him soon! Phantom87 would love to find people around me that play stock class! I am usually the only one and end up feeling outgunned so I'll move to open class pump. Me and my brothers also have a pretty nice outlaw feild in tappahannock. If yall wanted to get a eastern VA outlaw circuit going 🤪
      Gas, Grass or Brass, no one rides for free...


      • Phantom87
        Phantom87 commented
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        @KMDPD I’m definitely down to play some stock class on your outlaw field if you’ll have me! All kidding aside, it would be really awesome to get all the local stock class players out here in eastern VA together and get some good games/ practice in.

      Originally posted by KMDPB View Post
      Me and my brothers also have a pretty nice outlaw feild in tappahannock. If yall wanted to get a eastern VA outlaw circuit going
      I really like the idea of doing a circuit. As much as I love our field, it would be great to change up the scenery now and then. We should definitely talk about this more when we finally meet up.

      View my feedback or read about my Virginia woodsball club.

      Let me make you something. I build pneumags, auto-response frames, and wooden pill cases.


        Originally posted by Phantom87 View Post
        Do you have a website or more information about your Woodsball Club?
        We do have a Facebook page called Stafford Paintball, but most of our players aren't on there. Usually I organize games through text messages and email.

        Here's more information.
        • The field is in the woods, about the size of a football field, with about 60 good bunkers. The forest has been landscaped somewhat, with most of the brush and smaller trees removed, but it's still a "natural" environment with sticks and uneven ground and wet leaves sometimes. You must be willing to play at your own risk and promise not to sue anyone if you trip and twist your ankle while running through the woods. (This is not common, but it has happened a handful of times, so it's worth mentioning.)
        • We usually play capture the flag (center flag) with respawns back at the base. This tends to prevent stalemates and keeps the action moving. Usually games are only 10 or 15 minutes long.
        • We play hopper ball, so you're not allowed to play with extra pods. If you run out of paint, you can go for the flag or run back to your base for refills. You can also refill when you respawn. (We do this to avoid pay-to-win situations. Those who can afford more paint than everyone else should not be able to control the field that way.)
        • We use the honor system, and we play that all hits count, not just breaks. (Again, this is to avoid pay-to-win problems. People who can afford better, more fragile paint should not have an unfair advantage over those who get the harder, cheaper stuff.)
        • We expect experienced players to take handicaps to make the games more fair and fun for everyone. We have a very wide range of player abilities...everything from a former semi-pro player to 10-year-old kids to a guy with bad knees who only started playing last year. Therefore, we encourage more seasoned players to limit themselves somehow. I usually play with a stick feed. Other veterans use pump, or they shoot semi with smaller, 100-round hoppers.
          • I really cannot stress enough how relaxed and casual our games tend to be. If you're super competitive and really hate to lose, everyone's going to be telling you to calm down and lighten up. Obviously we still like to win, but it's much more about being outside, getting some exercise, hanging out and making new friends.
        • We usually play on Saturday mornings for 2 or 3 hours, about once a month. Most of our players have families and other responsibilities, so we can't go all day. Usually we have anywhere from 8 to 16 players.
        • You can bring your own air and paint, or you can buy from me. I always bring a few scuba tanks and a few cases of fresh paint to resell to everyone else at cost. Air is $5 for the day, and paint is $15/bag of 500. Because of the hopper-ball restriction, most people shoot less than 1000 rounds all day. (I take cash and PayPal.)
        • I have some rental set-ups (Emeks and dual pane masks) that I lend out for $10. So if you have a friend you want to invite to try out paintball, he'll have access to a great beginner set-up.
        • There are no rules about what kind of marker you need to have. Most people use mechanical semis, but you can bring whatever you want.
        • Since we're playing on church land, there's no drinking or drugs at the field. We don't want to do anything that would risk the church rescinding their permission to let us play on their private land. You don't need to be religious to come and play with us, of course. We only ask that you respect the church's rules about these things while you're here.
        I think that covers everything. But if I think of anything else, I'll let you know.
        View my feedback or read about my Virginia woodsball club.

        Let me make you something. I build pneumags, auto-response frames, and wooden pill cases.


        • person
          person commented
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          I live in the Fredericksburg area and would like to know if people are still meeting up?

        • rawbutter
          rawbutter commented
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          We don't play during the summer because the woods get infested with chiggers. We'll start again in the fall.

        Sounds like fun.
        Too bad I'm way off on the Western side of Va. (look up Deerfield)
        Although I might be able to attend when the weather gets warm again.


        • rawbutter
          rawbutter commented
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          Great. I'll send you a PM.

        Bumping this up in case someone else in my area hasn't seen it yet. We're always looking for more players. Post here and then PM me for the fastest response.
        View my feedback or read about my Virginia woodsball club.

        Let me make you something. I build pneumags, auto-response frames, and wooden pill cases.


          I'm over in Rappahannock currently, Flint Hill. I seem to be relatively nearby!
          I'm super busy with life, but would absolutely love to try and make a game.


            I'll be in the Shenandoah Valley this April, which might be a little too far but I'll keep it mind!
            Feedback 3.0


              Well, I hosted a game yesterday with KMDPB and Phantom87, and I had a great time. I'll let them chime in with their own thoughts, but I'm exited to do it again soon. The next game at my home field will probably be March 12th. Hopefully we can get a few more MCB guys next time.
              View my feedback or read about my Virginia woodsball club.

              Let me make you something. I build pneumags, auto-response frames, and wooden pill cases.


              • KMDPB


                Editing a comment
                Great field and great people! Had an amazing time!

              I had been on a 9 year break from paintballing for personal reasons and I can say without a doubt or hesitation that my invite to go play out on Raw Butters field absolutely brought me back to paintball. The field is very well thought out and plays evenly from either side of the field despite the natural layout/ uneven terrain; having the same amount of advantage’s/ disadvantage’s on both sides due to the bunker locations and configurations. Most importantly, and IMO what makes paintball so great, are the people.
              As RawButter mentioned, there were varying ages and skill levels there when I played and for being a group of strangers we certainly played like we’ve know each other for years. The more skilled players made it a little more even by running SC pumps or stick feeds on mechs, and the younger and inexperienced players were given some home field pointers and tips on how to navigate the field and find the best points of domination.
              It’s a 2 hour drive for me and I’ll gladly and willingly make that drive every month to play here. If you’re remotely in the area, it’s worth traveling to be apart of this awesome experience and meet other members of the MCB family like I did with RawButter and KMDPB. Come on out and sling some paint with us!
              Last edited by Phantom87; 02-12-2022, 10:03 PM.


                My club is scheduling another game for March 19th.
                View my feedback or read about my Virginia woodsball club.

                Let me make you something. I build pneumags, auto-response frames, and wooden pill cases.


                  I'm in the Hampton Roads area and I would love to swing by sometime. I have a bunch of random paint to shoot, who knows if it will go straight for more than 10 feet but I'd love to shoot it at something.


                  • rawbutter
                    rawbutter commented
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                    That's cool. I think Phantom87 lives close to you.

                  When is the next game planned. I wouldn’t mind dusting off some old gear for a few hours.


                  • Carp


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                    That you HW?

                  We're actually having a game Saturday morning, April 9. PM me if you'd like to come.
                  View my feedback or read about my Virginia woodsball club.

                  Let me make you something. I build pneumags, auto-response frames, and wooden pill cases.


                  • Carp


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                    Pm's won't work yet for Mr.Pants. New accounts can receive PM's for now. But, can't respond or send them on their own. You can PM him with another form of alternate contact info(ie.emai, call/text). Otherwise, he'll need to wait until your next gathering.

                  • rawbutter
                    rawbutter commented
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                    Thanks, Carp.