Gentlemen, in acknowledgement of your generous offer on my behalf, I am returning the favor. I know I'm cutting it close, but things have been rather hectic up here. Unfortunately I haven't been able to complete half the things I needed to, let alone the stuff I wanted to.
I'm chewing my way through, though, and hope to see daylight before too long.
But, before I blow yet another deadline, I have a number of boxes I'll be shipping down this weekend, to Mr. Turbo, he of the cantaloupe-helmeted kitty.
These will include a total of 81 T-shirts, in various sizes and slogans:

These are my entire remaining stock from the last few T-shirt runs I used to do for the comic, a number of years ago. (Well, not entire, I saved a couple of the 'larges' for myself.) It's kind of a random selection- there's at least one of almost every size from small to 3XL, but no promises of a specific size with a specific saying. There's more than a few in there where there's only the one.
I also managed to get a total of 320 stickers finished. Please use those wisely, and don't, like, stick them to the Port-O-Potty or something.
I wish I could send more, but funds and time are in short supply.
I'm chewing my way through, though, and hope to see daylight before too long.

But, before I blow yet another deadline, I have a number of boxes I'll be shipping down this weekend, to Mr. Turbo, he of the cantaloupe-helmeted kitty.

These will include a total of 81 T-shirts, in various sizes and slogans:

These are my entire remaining stock from the last few T-shirt runs I used to do for the comic, a number of years ago. (Well, not entire, I saved a couple of the 'larges' for myself.) It's kind of a random selection- there's at least one of almost every size from small to 3XL, but no promises of a specific size with a specific saying. There's more than a few in there where there's only the one.
I also managed to get a total of 320 stickers finished. Please use those wisely, and don't, like, stick them to the Port-O-Potty or something.

I wish I could send more, but funds and time are in short supply.