Ive been seriously thinking about cerakoting my x valve. With no other color option than black (or pay inflated price for a red) this is my only option. I know its been done but am hesitant to bring it to someone without know the areas that should NOT be cerakoted. Has anyone successfully cerakoted an x-valve?
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Cerakote X Valve
I was thinking the same thing. The issues with Ano are in the striping process from my understanding it can remove material from very tolerance sensitive section of the valve. It’s been done but there is a high failure rate. With Cerakote you could just mask that section off. Keep in mind Your really only going to get a dust finish or semi gloss finish with Cerakote.
MCB Member
- Apr 2021
- 1670
- https://www.mcarterbrown.com/forum/buy-sell-trade/feedback/129612-fredmnkydad10
I have a right and left classic minimag setups that I been thinking of getting done cerakote.
I talked to a guy near me that's been doing it for years, his bread and butter is doing actual firearms. He has done all types and he does not believe that making the underside of the body, valve or inside the rail is needed. The coating is tough but very thin.
He would mask the two ends and air port on the valve and on/off. So I been thinking of trying of doing with another set maybe simple color as a test subject.
One of the biggest challenges with x-valve anno jobs is that you need to take out the z-lock pin, which is practically impossible if you don't have the right tooling to do that. But I imagine with Cerakote you can just leave it in and coat right over it, right? It's not a high tolerance part that would be ruined by the extra coating. It just keeps the valve from unscrewing on its own.
If you Cerakote both the body and the valve, I don't think you would need to mask the bottom since they would both be offset by the same amount. But if you're only doing the valve, I imagine you should probably mask off the area where it contacts the rail, just to be safe.
Don't take my word for it, though. I've never done it personally. I'm just thinking out loud.View my feedback or read about my Virginia woodsball club.
Let me make you something. I build pneumags, auto-response frames, and wooden pill cases.
MCB Member
- Apr 2021
- 1670
- https://www.mcarterbrown.com/forum/buy-sell-trade/feedback/129612-fredmnkydad10
Yeah you would not need to take out the z-pin. Just need to take out the guts of the valve and on/off to have it baked.
Cerakote you can apply and let dry or bake. Baking it makes it harder/durable than letting it dry.