Anybody interested in trying to make a rudimentary master list of Autocockers?
There are so many different version, editions within versions, color rarities, and customizations we could never possibly make a comprehensive list. But I would be interested to try to make a non color / specialty edition rudimentary list. Maybe this is a total fruitless endeavor, but I’ll try to start a list please help out and ad a section that I can update the master list with.
(disclaimer) I don’t know too much, thats why I think this list would be nice to help people who interested in learning about all the varieties out there. So I have left a ton out, and probably a ton of major “brands”.
… Im sure there will be lots of disagreement, but lets see what happens!
32 Degrees / Bob Long
32 Degrees / Cold as Ice (Shocktech)
Aces High / Merlin
Action Markers / Illusion
Action Markers / Illusion Pro
Action Markers / Illusion Pro Stockclass
Action Markers / Illusion Shatner edition
Advanced Concepts Kits
AIM / Seth
AIM / Swift
AIM / Crow
AIM / Eagle
AIM / 17
AIM / Prototype (Ultralight)
AKA / Splat Attack Revenge V1
AKA / Splat Attack Revenge V2
AKA / Splat Attack Revenge V2 LE
AKA / Splat Attack Revenge V3
AKA / Black Widow
AKA / Merlin
AKA / In-Line Merlins
AKA / Merlin Roundbody
AKA / VLM Factory milled
(standard and inline variations of some)
Alien Airworx
Air Challenger / M-1
Angry Antle / Peckerwood
Angry Antle / Thrillogy
Angry Antle / Angry Series
ANS / ANS Super X
ANS / Gen X
ANS / Gen X 3
ANS / Gen X 4
ANS / Gen X 5
ANS / X-5E
ANS / Skanline I-Rokz
APL Commemorative
B -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bad Boys Toys / Stage 1
Bad Boys Toys / Stage 2
Bad Boys Toys / Stage 3
Bad Boys Toys / Westwood / 1996-1999
Bad Boys Toys / Noblett Custom / 1998
Bad Boys Toys / Shocktech
Belsales / Evolution (1994)
Belsales / Predator (1995)
Belsales / Evolution Jetstream
Belsales / Evolution Supernova
Belsales / Evolution 1997
Belsales / Evolution 1998
Belsales / “Last of the Millennium” Evolution (1999)
Belsales / Evo X Series (1999)
Belsales / Evo XE1
Belsales / Evo XE2
Biohazard / Biohazard
Bob Long autococker
Bob Long Signature Series
Bonebrake / Bonebrake Pro Series
Bonebrake / Bonebrake Custom
Boston Paintball Supply / Twister SP Lite (45 Mill pattern with no body windows)
Boston Paintball Supply / Twister Full Mill (45 mill pattern with body windows)
Boston Paintball Supply / Twister Clamshell (Clamshell milling with body windows)
Boston Paintball Supply / Twister F-Series
Boston Paintball Supply / Twister F-Series Prototype
Boston Paintball Supply / Twister Inception
Boston Paintball Supply / Twister Ultra Micro Mini ( Edition of 12 )
Boston Paintball Supply / Express
Boston Paintball Supply / Reflex Kit (on various bodies)
Brad Nestle / (PBMAXX, Olympic) custom
Brad Nestle / (PBMAXX, Olympic) Sniper SHO
Brian Ward / (C&W paintball) Custom
Bulldog Paintball / Bulldog Cocker
Bullseye / Colossal
Bullseye / custom
Bullseye / Titan / 1999-2001
C -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carter Machine / Carter Custom
Carter Machine / Carter Sniper
CCM / CCM Merlin
CCM / 03 J2
CCM / 04 J2
CCM / Legacy J2
CCM / Series 5
CCM / Series 6
CCM / SS-25
Centerflag / Centerflag Series
Check-it / Dragon
Check-it / Pro Series
Chris Cole Honeycomb
Chris Cole Sig Series
Chris Cole / Voodoo / 2001
Cooper T / Imp kit sniper converison
D -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dan Debone Custom
David Slane (Turtles Toybox) Custom
David Slane (Turtles Toybox) Twin Ram conversion
Demon Guns (Mark Jacobs) Custom
DFOX Apex type II
Dirk Gadberry (Innovative Marketing) Custom
Disruptive Pro Cut
Disruptive Ultimate Disruptor
Dive Rat (?) Custom
Doc Nickel Custom
Doc Nickel Fastback
Doc Nickel Vee Twin
Dragun Designs / Wraith
Dragun Dragonfly / LCD
Dragun Dragonfly / LED
Dragun / Drallion
Dye / Dye Autococker / 2002 (often also called the Reflex)
Dye / Dye Reflex / 2003-2004
Dye / Dye Ultralite / 2002-2004
E -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eaton / Ripper
Eaton / White Wolf Ripper (convertible)
East Coast Anarchy Productions / Wild Geese Team Guns
East Coast Anarchy Productions / Warboy
Empire / Resurrection
Empire / Sniper
Estilo Paintball /
Eyeball Engeineering / Eyeball
F -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fear Factory Custom
Fireball Mountain / Apache
Fireball Mountain / Blank
Fireball Mountain / Cobra
Fireball Mountain / Gothic (spiked)
Fireball Mountain / Gothic (spiked, milled through)
Fireball Mountain / Gothic (unspiked)
Fireball Mountain / Gothic (unspiked, milled through)
Fireball Mountain / Graveyard
Fireball Mountain / Half assed
Fireball Mountain / Original
Fireball Mountain / Rayzor
Fireball Mountain / Razor
Fireball Mountain / Spiderweb
Fireball Mountain / Teardrop
Fireball Mountain / Vampyre
Fireball Mountain / Vampyre Halfblock
Fireball Mountain / Voodoo
Flag Station / Mongoose
Florida Paintball Center (John Gross) / Custom
Folda / Magic / 2007
Folda / MF-1
Folda / MF-2
Freeflow / OG Millennium
Freeflow / OG Lotus
Freeflow / Air Challenger Lotus
Freeflow / OG Rhythm / 2003
Freeflow / Air Challenger RhythmFreeflow / Fulcrum
Freeflow / Millennium
Freeflow / Boxxer
Freeflow / Caliber
Freeflow / Clutch
Freeflow / Thief
Freeflow / Lotus
H -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hybrid technologies / Quest
Hybrid technologies / Rival
I -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I&I Sports Super cocker
Inception Designs / Kryptonite Prototype
Inception Designs / Kryptonite
Inception Designs / Razor
Inception Designs / Bobtail
Inception Designs / Diamondback
Inception Designs / Fighter
Inception Designs / FLE v1
Inception Designs / FLE v2
Inception Designs / FLE v2 Mini
Inception Designs / FLE v2 midblock
Inception Designs / Ripper v1
Inception Designs / Ripper v2
Inception Designs / Ripper v2 Midblock
Inception Designs / Hornet
Inception Designs / Mini Hornet
Inception Designs / Midblock Hornet
Inception Designs / Predator
Inception Designs / Sleeper
Inception Designs / Sleeper midblock
J -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jack Withers / Custom
Jackal / Custom
Jackal / Phase 2
Jackal / Phase 3
Jackal / RDL ( p block and flat block versions)
Jay Wonderly (PB Sports) Custom
JCM / custom
JMJ concepts / Custom
JMJ concepts / Kryptonite
JMJ concepts / Kryptonite F-5
JMJ concepts / Kryptonite F-5 Morlock
JMJ concepts / Merlin Featherlite
(...became AKA)
K -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
K&P Customs / G10
Kapp / Flame
Kapp / Kapp
Kapp / KXS
KAPP / Razorback
KAPP / Reflex
Ken C Catapult
KPCS / Custom
KPCS / G-10
KPCS / Ma Deuce
KPCS / Scout
KPCS / Ma Deuce A
Krusher paintball / Krusher
Krusher paintball / Krusher lite
Killshot Kustoms / Poseidon
Killshot Kustoms / Kraken
Killshot Kustoms / Riptide
Killshot Kustoms / Maelstrom (coming soon)
M -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mac Dev / Sonic
Mac Dev / Sonic E-Racer
Mad Cocker / Darkside
Mag / MagRacer
Martin Paintball / MiniBlock
Meteor / Jetstream
Meteor / Meteor
Meteor / M1
Meteor / M1 v2
Meteor / 2000
Meteor / Feather
Meteor / Feather v2
Meteor / Right feed Eclipse Tribute body kits
Meteor / G Series
Meteor / V Series
MF2 Micrococker
Mikes Custom Paintball / Sin
Mikes Custom Paintball / X-treme
Mozak Machine / Blank Body
Mozak Machine / Southpaw
Mozak Machine / NOX
Mozak Machine / Black Diamond (team guns)
Mozak Machine / Kryptek
Mozak Machine / Slender
Mozak Machine / Legion
Murder Inc / MI Orracle
N -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Niche / Element
Niche / Element Reptile
Niche / Element Aloha
Niche / Nemesis
Nummech / Pyrococker
Nummech / Necrococker
O -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Odyssey O3M
P -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Paintball and More / Awful Cocker
Paintball Headquarters / Custom
Paintball Inc / Shocktech Vortex
Paintball Paradise / Super Sniper
Palmer / Custom
Palmer / Seeper
Palmer / Ultra Mini Cocker w/ Full cosmetics
Palmer / Ultra Mini Cocker
PBX / PBX autorocker
PGI / Firestorm
PGI / Osiris
Planet Eclipse / Eclipse Autococker / Pre2k
Planet Eclipse / Eclipse Autococker / 2000
Planet Eclipse / Eclipse Autococker / 01-02
Planet Eclipse / Eclipseblade Autococker / 2003
Planet Eclipse / Eclipse Pro Series / 2004
Planet Eclipse / Eclipse Pro+ Series / 2004
Planet Eclipse / Factory Team 1 / 2004
Planet Eclipse / Factory Team 2 / 2005
Planet Eclipse / Nexus Signature Series / 2003
Planet Eclipse / Nexus Directors Cut 1 / 2004
Planet Eclipse / Nexus Directors Cut 2 / 2005
P&P / Cold Fusion (2000)
P&P / Cold Fusion Uprising
P&P / E series Supercocker
P&P / E series Supercocker LE
P&P / LE Super
P&P / Supercocker
P&P / Custom
PMS / Mark 1
PMS / Mark 2
PMS / Mark 3
Powerlyte / FON/PL Merlin
Powerlyte / Hybrid
Psychoballistics / Superbolt
Psychoballistics / Lightning
Psycho Sports / Custom
PTP F/x / Micrococker
PTP F/x / Sleeper
PTP F/x / Autococker Competition
Punisher / Custom
R -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Racegun / Halfblock
Revelation / Tribulation
Rex Paintball / M-1
Rex Paintball / M-2
RJK Tribute
RJK Klingon
RJK Xtreme
RJK Stealth
RJK Flashback
Robert Long / Delrin
Robert Long / Turtlecocker
Rocky Mountain Paintball Custom
Roughneck / Demonic Race (2002)
Rudy Dean / V1
Rudy Dean / V2
RX paintball / RX-5
S -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sandridge / Force-5
Sandridge / Tiny Tornado
Sandridge / Custom
Shocktech (BBT) / Hookups V1
Shocktech (BBT) / Hookups V2
Shocktech (BBT) / Pre-SFL 1999 (milled by BBT)
Shocktech (BBT) / SFL 2000
Shocktech (BBT) / SFL 2001
Shocktech (BBT) / SFL 2002
Shocktech (BBT) / SFL 2003
Shocktech (BBT) / SFL 2009
Shocktech (BBT) / SFL Aftershock series
Shocktech(BBT) / SFL Cash Money series
Shocktech (BBT) / SFL Tremor series
Shocktech (PMI) / Vortex (RF and Centerfeed versions)
Shocktech (ST) / Judge
Shocktech (ST) / STR
Shocktech (ST) / Desert Fox
Shocktech (ST) / CG2
Shocktech (ST) / CG3
Shocktech (made for Docfire PB) / Fire Series
Shocktech (ST) / Judge
(Around 2019 Danny Love bought ST from Renick Miller “Bad Boy Toyz”)
Spanky / Fatboy Graveyard
Spanky / Yin Yang
Spanky / Fatboy Series
Spanky / Fishbone
Spanky / Cobra
Spanky / Bubble Gun
Spanky / Warped Monkey
Spanky / Warped Monkey II
Spearhead / Spearhead
Swift Line (custom) Skip Swift
Syndicate Jinx
System -X / autococker
System -X / Special edition type X
System -X / Type X
System -X / Type Z
System -X / Vengance
System -X / Vengance 2.0
System -X / Vengance 4.0
System -X / Vengance Attitude
System -X / Xonik
System -X / Dragon
T -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tarantula Custom
TASO Taso Signature Series
Tri State Twister Custom
TCP Machine Shop / TCP Extreme Custom
TCP Machine Shop / TCP Extreme
TCP Machine Shop / TCP Extreme Ultralite
TNC / contract work for Spanky & FBM and own bodies (angel threaded necks)
TNC / Death Trap
TNC / Bubble Gun
TNC / Rain Storm
Tx Tuning Sledgehammer
V -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vortex Paintball Vortex
Vu Hoang Custom
W -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Warhammer Custom
Warped sportz Dark (dark body)
Warped sportz Dark (freeflow body)
Warped sportz Dark (P&P body)
Warped sportz Dark (Works body)
Warped sportz LA Z-force
Western Paintball Inc Western Series
Worr Game Products / Pre-2K Autococker
Worr Game Products / Pre-2K Mini-cocker
Worr Game Products / Pre-2K Vert Feed Autococker
Worr Game Products / 97 Autococker STO
Worr Game Products / 98 Autococker STO
Worr Game Products / 98 Autococker STO Limited Edition
Worr Game Products / 99 Autococker STO
Worr Game Products / 99 Mini-cocker STO
Worr Game Products / BOSS
Worr Game Products / 2K+ Autococker
Worr Game Products / 2K+ STO
Worr Game Products / 2K2 Prostock
Worr Game Products / 2K3 Prostock
Worr Game Products / 2K4 Prostock
Worr Game Products / 2K5 Prostock
Worr Game Products / 2K5 Superstock
Worr Game Products / Jeff Orr Signature VI
Worr Game Products / Jeff Orr Signature V2
Worr Game Products / Jeff Orr Signature V3
Worr Game Products / Jeff Orr Signature X-out
Worr Game Products / Jeff Orr Signature Blackout
Worr Game Products / Karnivor
Worr Game Products / Karnivor Pro
Worr Game Products / Karnivor Midblock Sniper
Worr Game Products / E-Oracle
Worr Game Products / Orracle
Worr Game Products / Mini Orracle
Worr Game Products / Flatline
Worr Game Products / SR
Worr Game Products / Outkast
Worr Game Products / Nightkast
Worr Game Products / Vertebrae
Worr Game Products / Vertebrae Warp Feed
Worr Game Products / VF Tactical
Worr Game Products / Trilogy Sport
Worr Game Products / Trilogy Comp
Worr Game Products / Trilogy Pro
Worr Game Products / Trilogy Tactical
Worr Game Products / Trilogy Sport
Worr Game Products / Trilogy Pro Select Fire
Worr Game Products / Trilogy Pro Select Fire Tactical
Worr Game Products / Black Magic
Worr Game Products / Black Magic 2k5
Worr Game Products / Worrlock
Whitewolf Custom
Wildside Custom
Wildside Wildfire
Works / Works V1 (mini versions as well) (merlin versions as well)
Works / Works V2 (mini versions as well)
Works / Works V3 (mini versions as well)
Works / AKA Works (merlin)
X-treme Paintball JRX
There are so many different version, editions within versions, color rarities, and customizations we could never possibly make a comprehensive list. But I would be interested to try to make a non color / specialty edition rudimentary list. Maybe this is a total fruitless endeavor, but I’ll try to start a list please help out and ad a section that I can update the master list with.
(disclaimer) I don’t know too much, thats why I think this list would be nice to help people who interested in learning about all the varieties out there. So I have left a ton out, and probably a ton of major “brands”.
… Im sure there will be lots of disagreement, but lets see what happens!
32 Degrees / Bob Long
32 Degrees / Cold as Ice (Shocktech)
Aces High / Merlin
Action Markers / Illusion
Action Markers / Illusion Pro
Action Markers / Illusion Pro Stockclass
Action Markers / Illusion Shatner edition
Advanced Concepts Kits
AIM / Seth
AIM / Swift
AIM / Crow
AIM / Eagle
AIM / 17
AIM / Prototype (Ultralight)
AKA / Splat Attack Revenge V1
AKA / Splat Attack Revenge V2
AKA / Splat Attack Revenge V2 LE
AKA / Splat Attack Revenge V3
AKA / Black Widow
AKA / Merlin
AKA / In-Line Merlins
AKA / Merlin Roundbody
AKA / VLM Factory milled
(standard and inline variations of some)
Alien Airworx
Air Challenger / M-1
Angry Antle / Peckerwood
Angry Antle / Thrillogy
Angry Antle / Angry Series
ANS / ANS Super X
ANS / Gen X
ANS / Gen X 3
ANS / Gen X 4
ANS / Gen X 5
ANS / X-5E
ANS / Skanline I-Rokz
APL Commemorative
B -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bad Boys Toys / Stage 1
Bad Boys Toys / Stage 2
Bad Boys Toys / Stage 3
Bad Boys Toys / Westwood / 1996-1999
Bad Boys Toys / Noblett Custom / 1998
Bad Boys Toys / Shocktech
Belsales / Evolution (1994)
Belsales / Predator (1995)
Belsales / Evolution Jetstream
Belsales / Evolution Supernova
Belsales / Evolution 1997
Belsales / Evolution 1998
Belsales / “Last of the Millennium” Evolution (1999)
Belsales / Evo X Series (1999)
Belsales / Evo XE1
Belsales / Evo XE2
Biohazard / Biohazard
Bob Long autococker
Bob Long Signature Series
Bonebrake / Bonebrake Pro Series
Bonebrake / Bonebrake Custom
Boston Paintball Supply / Twister SP Lite (45 Mill pattern with no body windows)
Boston Paintball Supply / Twister Full Mill (45 mill pattern with body windows)
Boston Paintball Supply / Twister Clamshell (Clamshell milling with body windows)
Boston Paintball Supply / Twister F-Series
Boston Paintball Supply / Twister F-Series Prototype
Boston Paintball Supply / Twister Inception
Boston Paintball Supply / Twister Ultra Micro Mini ( Edition of 12 )
Boston Paintball Supply / Express
Boston Paintball Supply / Reflex Kit (on various bodies)
Brad Nestle / (PBMAXX, Olympic) custom
Brad Nestle / (PBMAXX, Olympic) Sniper SHO
Brian Ward / (C&W paintball) Custom
Bulldog Paintball / Bulldog Cocker
Bullseye / Colossal
Bullseye / custom
Bullseye / Titan / 1999-2001
C -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carter Machine / Carter Custom
Carter Machine / Carter Sniper
CCM / CCM Merlin
CCM / 03 J2
CCM / 04 J2
CCM / Legacy J2
CCM / Series 5
CCM / Series 6
CCM / SS-25
Centerflag / Centerflag Series
Check-it / Dragon
Check-it / Pro Series
Chris Cole Honeycomb
Chris Cole Sig Series
Chris Cole / Voodoo / 2001
Cooper T / Imp kit sniper converison
D -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dan Debone Custom
David Slane (Turtles Toybox) Custom
David Slane (Turtles Toybox) Twin Ram conversion
Demon Guns (Mark Jacobs) Custom
DFOX Apex type II
Dirk Gadberry (Innovative Marketing) Custom
Disruptive Pro Cut
Disruptive Ultimate Disruptor
Dive Rat (?) Custom
Doc Nickel Custom
Doc Nickel Fastback
Doc Nickel Vee Twin
Dragun Designs / Wraith
Dragun Dragonfly / LCD
Dragun Dragonfly / LED
Dragun / Drallion
Dye / Dye Autococker / 2002 (often also called the Reflex)
Dye / Dye Reflex / 2003-2004
Dye / Dye Ultralite / 2002-2004
E -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eaton / Ripper
Eaton / White Wolf Ripper (convertible)
East Coast Anarchy Productions / Wild Geese Team Guns
East Coast Anarchy Productions / Warboy
Empire / Resurrection
Empire / Sniper
Estilo Paintball /
Eyeball Engeineering / Eyeball
F -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fear Factory Custom
Fireball Mountain / Apache
Fireball Mountain / Blank
Fireball Mountain / Cobra
Fireball Mountain / Gothic (spiked)
Fireball Mountain / Gothic (spiked, milled through)
Fireball Mountain / Gothic (unspiked)
Fireball Mountain / Gothic (unspiked, milled through)
Fireball Mountain / Graveyard
Fireball Mountain / Half assed
Fireball Mountain / Original
Fireball Mountain / Rayzor
Fireball Mountain / Razor
Fireball Mountain / Spiderweb
Fireball Mountain / Teardrop
Fireball Mountain / Vampyre
Fireball Mountain / Vampyre Halfblock
Fireball Mountain / Voodoo
Flag Station / Mongoose
Florida Paintball Center (John Gross) / Custom
Folda / Magic / 2007
Folda / MF-1
Folda / MF-2
Freeflow / OG Millennium
Freeflow / OG Lotus
Freeflow / Air Challenger Lotus
Freeflow / OG Rhythm / 2003
Freeflow / Air Challenger RhythmFreeflow / Fulcrum
Freeflow / Millennium
Freeflow / Boxxer
Freeflow / Caliber
Freeflow / Clutch
Freeflow / Thief
Freeflow / Lotus
H -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hybrid technologies / Quest
Hybrid technologies / Rival
I -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I&I Sports Super cocker
Inception Designs / Kryptonite Prototype
Inception Designs / Kryptonite
Inception Designs / Razor
Inception Designs / Bobtail
Inception Designs / Diamondback
Inception Designs / Fighter
Inception Designs / FLE v1
Inception Designs / FLE v2
Inception Designs / FLE v2 Mini
Inception Designs / FLE v2 midblock
Inception Designs / Ripper v1
Inception Designs / Ripper v2
Inception Designs / Ripper v2 Midblock
Inception Designs / Hornet
Inception Designs / Mini Hornet
Inception Designs / Midblock Hornet
Inception Designs / Predator
Inception Designs / Sleeper
Inception Designs / Sleeper midblock
J -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jack Withers / Custom
Jackal / Custom
Jackal / Phase 2
Jackal / Phase 3
Jackal / RDL ( p block and flat block versions)
Jay Wonderly (PB Sports) Custom
JCM / custom
JMJ concepts / Custom
JMJ concepts / Kryptonite
JMJ concepts / Kryptonite F-5
JMJ concepts / Kryptonite F-5 Morlock
JMJ concepts / Merlin Featherlite
(...became AKA)
K -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
K&P Customs / G10
Kapp / Flame
Kapp / Kapp
Kapp / KXS
KAPP / Razorback
KAPP / Reflex
Ken C Catapult
KPCS / Custom
KPCS / G-10
KPCS / Ma Deuce
KPCS / Scout
KPCS / Ma Deuce A
Krusher paintball / Krusher
Krusher paintball / Krusher lite
Killshot Kustoms / Poseidon
Killshot Kustoms / Kraken
Killshot Kustoms / Riptide
Killshot Kustoms / Maelstrom (coming soon)
M -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mac Dev / Sonic
Mac Dev / Sonic E-Racer
Mad Cocker / Darkside
Mag / MagRacer
Martin Paintball / MiniBlock
Meteor / Jetstream
Meteor / Meteor
Meteor / M1
Meteor / M1 v2
Meteor / 2000
Meteor / Feather
Meteor / Feather v2
Meteor / Right feed Eclipse Tribute body kits
Meteor / G Series
Meteor / V Series
MF2 Micrococker
Mikes Custom Paintball / Sin
Mikes Custom Paintball / X-treme
Mozak Machine / Blank Body
Mozak Machine / Southpaw
Mozak Machine / NOX
Mozak Machine / Black Diamond (team guns)
Mozak Machine / Kryptek
Mozak Machine / Slender
Mozak Machine / Legion
Murder Inc / MI Orracle
N -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Niche / Element
Niche / Element Reptile
Niche / Element Aloha
Niche / Nemesis
Nummech / Pyrococker
Nummech / Necrococker
O -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Odyssey O3M
P -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Paintball and More / Awful Cocker
Paintball Headquarters / Custom
Paintball Inc / Shocktech Vortex
Paintball Paradise / Super Sniper
Palmer / Custom
Palmer / Seeper
Palmer / Ultra Mini Cocker w/ Full cosmetics
Palmer / Ultra Mini Cocker
PBX / PBX autorocker
PGI / Firestorm
PGI / Osiris
Planet Eclipse / Eclipse Autococker / Pre2k
Planet Eclipse / Eclipse Autococker / 2000
Planet Eclipse / Eclipse Autococker / 01-02
Planet Eclipse / Eclipseblade Autococker / 2003
Planet Eclipse / Eclipse Pro Series / 2004
Planet Eclipse / Eclipse Pro+ Series / 2004
Planet Eclipse / Factory Team 1 / 2004
Planet Eclipse / Factory Team 2 / 2005
Planet Eclipse / Nexus Signature Series / 2003
Planet Eclipse / Nexus Directors Cut 1 / 2004
Planet Eclipse / Nexus Directors Cut 2 / 2005
P&P / Cold Fusion (2000)
P&P / Cold Fusion Uprising
P&P / E series Supercocker
P&P / E series Supercocker LE
P&P / LE Super
P&P / Supercocker
P&P / Custom
PMS / Mark 1
PMS / Mark 2
PMS / Mark 3
Powerlyte / FON/PL Merlin
Powerlyte / Hybrid
Psychoballistics / Superbolt
Psychoballistics / Lightning
Psycho Sports / Custom
PTP F/x / Micrococker
PTP F/x / Sleeper
PTP F/x / Autococker Competition
Punisher / Custom
R -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Racegun / Halfblock
Revelation / Tribulation
Rex Paintball / M-1
Rex Paintball / M-2
RJK Tribute
RJK Klingon
RJK Xtreme
RJK Stealth
RJK Flashback
Robert Long / Delrin
Robert Long / Turtlecocker
Rocky Mountain Paintball Custom
Roughneck / Demonic Race (2002)
Rudy Dean / V1
Rudy Dean / V2
RX paintball / RX-5
S -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sandridge / Force-5
Sandridge / Tiny Tornado
Sandridge / Custom
Shocktech (BBT) / Hookups V1
Shocktech (BBT) / Hookups V2
Shocktech (BBT) / Pre-SFL 1999 (milled by BBT)
Shocktech (BBT) / SFL 2000
Shocktech (BBT) / SFL 2001
Shocktech (BBT) / SFL 2002
Shocktech (BBT) / SFL 2003
Shocktech (BBT) / SFL 2009
Shocktech (BBT) / SFL Aftershock series
Shocktech(BBT) / SFL Cash Money series
Shocktech (BBT) / SFL Tremor series
Shocktech (PMI) / Vortex (RF and Centerfeed versions)
Shocktech (ST) / Judge
Shocktech (ST) / STR
Shocktech (ST) / Desert Fox
Shocktech (ST) / CG2
Shocktech (ST) / CG3
Shocktech (made for Docfire PB) / Fire Series
Shocktech (ST) / Judge
(Around 2019 Danny Love bought ST from Renick Miller “Bad Boy Toyz”)
Spanky / Fatboy Graveyard
Spanky / Yin Yang
Spanky / Fatboy Series
Spanky / Fishbone
Spanky / Cobra
Spanky / Bubble Gun
Spanky / Warped Monkey
Spanky / Warped Monkey II
Spearhead / Spearhead
Swift Line (custom) Skip Swift
Syndicate Jinx
System -X / autococker
System -X / Special edition type X
System -X / Type X
System -X / Type Z
System -X / Vengance
System -X / Vengance 2.0
System -X / Vengance 4.0
System -X / Vengance Attitude
System -X / Xonik
System -X / Dragon
T -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tarantula Custom
TASO Taso Signature Series
Tri State Twister Custom
TCP Machine Shop / TCP Extreme Custom
TCP Machine Shop / TCP Extreme
TCP Machine Shop / TCP Extreme Ultralite
TNC / contract work for Spanky & FBM and own bodies (angel threaded necks)
TNC / Death Trap
TNC / Bubble Gun
TNC / Rain Storm
Tx Tuning Sledgehammer
V -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vortex Paintball Vortex
Vu Hoang Custom
W -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Warhammer Custom
Warped sportz Dark (dark body)
Warped sportz Dark (freeflow body)
Warped sportz Dark (P&P body)
Warped sportz Dark (Works body)
Warped sportz LA Z-force
Western Paintball Inc Western Series
Worr Game Products / Pre-2K Autococker
Worr Game Products / Pre-2K Mini-cocker
Worr Game Products / Pre-2K Vert Feed Autococker
Worr Game Products / 97 Autococker STO
Worr Game Products / 98 Autococker STO
Worr Game Products / 98 Autococker STO Limited Edition
Worr Game Products / 99 Autococker STO
Worr Game Products / 99 Mini-cocker STO
Worr Game Products / BOSS
Worr Game Products / 2K+ Autococker
Worr Game Products / 2K+ STO
Worr Game Products / 2K2 Prostock
Worr Game Products / 2K3 Prostock
Worr Game Products / 2K4 Prostock
Worr Game Products / 2K5 Prostock
Worr Game Products / 2K5 Superstock
Worr Game Products / Jeff Orr Signature VI
Worr Game Products / Jeff Orr Signature V2
Worr Game Products / Jeff Orr Signature V3
Worr Game Products / Jeff Orr Signature X-out
Worr Game Products / Jeff Orr Signature Blackout
Worr Game Products / Karnivor
Worr Game Products / Karnivor Pro
Worr Game Products / Karnivor Midblock Sniper
Worr Game Products / E-Oracle
Worr Game Products / Orracle
Worr Game Products / Mini Orracle
Worr Game Products / Flatline
Worr Game Products / SR
Worr Game Products / Outkast
Worr Game Products / Nightkast
Worr Game Products / Vertebrae
Worr Game Products / Vertebrae Warp Feed
Worr Game Products / VF Tactical
Worr Game Products / Trilogy Sport
Worr Game Products / Trilogy Comp
Worr Game Products / Trilogy Pro
Worr Game Products / Trilogy Tactical
Worr Game Products / Trilogy Sport
Worr Game Products / Trilogy Pro Select Fire
Worr Game Products / Trilogy Pro Select Fire Tactical
Worr Game Products / Black Magic
Worr Game Products / Black Magic 2k5
Worr Game Products / Worrlock
Whitewolf Custom
Wildside Custom
Wildside Wildfire
Works / Works V1 (mini versions as well) (merlin versions as well)
Works / Works V2 (mini versions as well)
Works / Works V3 (mini versions as well)
Works / AKA Works (merlin)
X-treme Paintball JRX