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recommendations for trigger frame

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    recommendations for trigger frame

    What are yourRecommendations for your cocker trigger frames? sliders? hinge ? best /worst? I currently have a wgp hinge frame and I don't like it at all, looking for something better. I was wanting a Nummech gas thru if could ever get my hands on one.

    What do you want out of it? Like what do you like?

    Need Inception Designs or Shocktech Products? Let me know!

    MCB Feedback

    old PBN feedback


    • Hellion360


      Editing a comment
      If you like hinge frames the Inception Rip frame is really well done.

    My favorite is actually the stock carbon fiber frame, with the plastic panel grips, it feels closer to an m16 grip than a normal .45 grip. I don't remember the internals I had in mine but, I remember having to polish them up really good to get the best pull, but once I did it was heaven

    I can't say much about hinge frames, personally I always found a double trigger shoe to give me a better fire rate, but I know lots of people swear by them


      Who knows when Nummech will ever get new frames in, and once they are available they’ll go quick. Most people, including myself, grew tired of waiting and bought something else.

      As for the frame style, depends on how you have your cocker set up. First step is the hinge vs slider question. Want speed? Likely a modern hinge is best. Using a sniper? People like slide triggers.

      Next step is budget. If you’re looking at Nummech you likely have a good budget set aside. High end stuff is expensive. Things like Shocktech, ID, CCM all run $250 plus just for frames.

      So between budget and style, see which one you like the best. I have e decent cocker/sniper collection and have a variety of CCM frames, stock WGP frames and for my must mech cocker build I used an Inception Rip frame, which are really fantastic on a mech cocker.

      Cuda's Feedback


        I greatly prefer sliders over hinge frames. However, if you like hinge frames, the Planet Eclipse hinge was the best in my experience. Looked great, felt great. It just didn't feel "Autocockery" enough for me.

        As far as sliders go, they're all pretty similar. But my list is as follows:
        1. FreeFlow/Dye UL slider
        2. Shocktech slider (with built in snatch-grip. Just looks badass)
        3. Basic Benchmark slider

        I REALLY, COMPLETELY, AND TRULY LOVE Nummech's plate and sear combo. I have a gen 1 in a Benchmark slider and I love the heck out of it. It's so smooth. So incredibly smooth.

        I also was fortunate enough to get a Dye UL slider when FreeFlow had extras. That is the best feeling frame I've used. I'm just waiting for the Nummech gen 2 slider guts to come out, so I can swap internals. The stock FF guts are nice. Really nice, actually. But they really have nothing on the trigger feel of my Benchmark. All those bearings make for a buttery smooth pull.


          Autocockerparts pre98 cheaper version frame.
          AKA pre98 trigger plate
          freeflow sear
          brass tipped glide screws
          AKA sear spring

          thank me later. Everything I’m about to list down below is significantly more expensive and won’t shoot any better (I can’t account for ergonomic feel of your particular hand size, that’s up to you)

          Nummech’s sear sucks donkey dick, FreeFlow frames need a complete rebuild because they don’t have a proper trigger plate or glide screws, Shocktech’s gunfighter feels rather unique and some people don’t like it, Inception FLE frame is the most adjustable frame on the market and feels incredible but if you aren’t a tinkerer don’t bother. Other “nostalgic” frames can feel great but cost a fortune comparatively, KAPP Groovy/Bob Long Humpback/Belsales Angry/ Shocktech 09 and the like. Benchmarks don’t have an undercut of the trigger guard and that drives me insane, plus some have only one glide screw which works as well as a porcupine as your valet. If you want a slider, just trust me do what I mentioned at the beginning.

          rather opinionated rant. But. I also have scientific evidence to back up what I’m saying. Sooooo take it how you want.
          Last edited by Super69ur; 06-05-2022, 01:59 PM.


          • Myrkul


            Editing a comment
            100% in agreement with this. I picked up a gloss black slider off autococker Did a little bit of polishing on the internals and dropped SLPS spring in it and it rips. Super smooth. People are shocked at how nice my 96 Cocker shoots and it's 100% because of the autococker parts frame.

          I'm going to ramble a bit here. I, like most people these days, much prefer sliders over hinges. They're not as fast, but they're much more fun to shoot. And in most cases, they look better IMO.

          I agree with Super69ur, Nummech's sears are trash. I'm guessing it's the plating, but they have a really stiff trigger break for being a roller sear. Their plates are ok, but I honestly prefer a regular chrome plate.

          I partially agree with brokeass_baller too, the Freeflow UL frames are pretty cool. But the stock plate is not great, and the glide screws need to be replaced. After doing all that, it would be a fantastic frame.

          I've used most of the slider frames out there, and I think my absolute favorite is the Niche 86* clutch frame. From what I udnerstand the V1 frames had some problems, but the V2 I have is bar none the smoothest, fastest, and lightest frame I've ever used. I did swap out the glide screws and put in a roller sear, but out of the box the plate and the springing are outshine everything else.

          Outside some of the more modern and specialized frames, I really like the old DYE frames and the KAPP groovy frames. The groovy frame, with a matching stainless KAPP plate, is freakin butter. I like that they both have a forward stop. Not enough frames have them. Meteor frames are also nice, though lacking in features. I'd say they're on par with Benchmark and Belsales frames, assuming they're all using the same internals.

          For sliders, the internals matter more than the frame itself does. Some frames look better, have better features, etc, but if you throw a junk plate and junk sear into it it's still going to feel like crap. But any decent frame (meaning, not a composite or pot metal frame) will feel pretty similar when you use good internals. Like I said, I prefer a chrome plate and any roller sear that's not made by psychoballistics or nummech. I think I'm using an old New Designz sear. Most of the generic ones work about as well as the "name brand" ones. Belsales sears are great, but expensive and kinda rare these days. Freeflow sears can be hit or miss.

          As far as hinges go, I actually think the WGP frames are some of the best. They look ugly, and they're ridiculously tall, but they feel better than the DYE frames and whatnot. The Eclipse frames are probably the most popular, partially because they look the best. My favorite of the older frames are the Hybrid 50/50 frames. They are STUPID fast. Really hard to find though. That said, the RIP frame from Inception is probably the best out there these days.

          At the end of the day, you really just ahve to try out a range of things and find which one you like the best. It's all personal preference.


          • Super69ur
            Super69ur commented
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            Which is why I suggested the cheapest frame out there that hasn’t been abused (because it’s new) and premium parts inside.

            I haven’t had a single problem with a FreeFlow sear though. Strange. AutocockerParts makes the second best sear currently available if you don’t want to risk a FreeFlow.

          • Magmoormaster
            Magmoormaster commented
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            I ordered 2 roller sears during their 50% sale a few years ago, and one of the roller bearings was a bit rough. And neither felt as smooth as the others I had, but that might have to do with the fact that the others had a polished tip, whereas the Freeflows did not.

          I prefer sliders. The WGP hinge is my least favorite it sits very low and puts you hand so far from the barrel line. I like a good benchmark, gunfighter, inception makes some really nice stuff. Angry A. As far has hinge goes I like CCM/Works and that inception rip frame is really fast and short. Not the biggest fan of its looks tho.

          It really comes down to preference and what your looking to get out of it. I like to find one that matches the cocker I’m building best over splitting hairs over performance. Anything is going to feel better then a WGP hinge IMO.


            As long as the frame ergonomics fit your hand (and play style)... you can make the frame smooth and fast, with customization and effort.

            Sanding, polishing, .5mm ptfe tape, brass, delrin, or nylon tipped guide screws, removing slop in moving parts, correct springs that balance the 3way resistance, correcting the geometry of the parts when needed. Do this on any frame and it will perform great!

            Slider preference:
            meteor v2 - (aka plate, belsales roller, my special return spring)
            OG Dye slider with front adjustment hole, chrome! -probably my fastest slide frame.
            Belsales angry frame
            pre-97 benchmark frame (I can barely tell the difference from this and an angry frame)
            BBT 45*
            WGP carbon fiber, after AGD helped them with the design.
            WGP pot metal frame

            swing preference:
            Dye hinge
            Kapp hinge
            Eclipse hinge
            Inception hinge


              I can't believe that I'm the only one that likes the Nummech plate and sear. I've never used one without the other, but holy crap is it a smooth setup. I picked up an SLPS spring kit from a user here (can't remember who sells them) and I slapped in the lightest sear and trigger spring, and it's such a great trigger pull.


              • latches109


                Editing a comment
                I had nothing but trouble with it, it kept binding on me.

              • Super69ur
                Super69ur commented
                Editing a comment
                Great plate. The sear is horrible.

                Like. I did extensive scientific testing. The sear just sucks. Literally any other sear is better, assuming it fits. (Some don’t in certain frames)

              • Brokeass_baller
                Brokeass_baller commented
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                I've had zero problems. The only other roller sear I've used was Shocktech's, and it was very nice as well. Not really sure how they compare, though.

                But I absolutely love my Nummech kit. I cannot wait until the V2 comes out, so I can slap the V2 into my Benchmark, and swap the V1 with my FreeFlow/DYE guts.

              Thanks for all the info guys! this is exactly what I was looking for. I was leaning toward a slider frame over hinge, wasn't looking for speed just really smooth trigger. I found a dealer for inception frames in Canada so I might go that route.


                I've never used a Cocker frame that I didn't like. A Cocker was my second gun, 22 years ago...

                The differences are so minor, it comes down to personal preference.

                You ask 15 people, and you will get 15 different answers.

                Pick one, use it for 2000 rounds, and then pick another and use it (on the field) for 2000 rounds, and keep doing it until you have used 10 different frames. Only then will you begin to have an idea of which YOU like best.....

                Anyone who tells you one is better than the other is expressing their own opinion. Unless you have observed them put 2000+ rounds down range, with multiple different frames, their opinion is just that, an opinion.

                Many people pay big money for a frame, shoot it in their basement/garage/back yard. and swear it's the best.

                Form your own opinion, from personal use....

                Just my humble opinion......

                Walkers Current Feedback


                  Another thing to keep in mind is lug preference. Doesn't make a huge difference on hinges, but for sliders I absolutely adore a nice rounded hammer lug. Sure it has a longer trigger pull, but it smooths things out quite a bit and that sounds like what you are going for. They are trickier to time and easier to short stroke (for me at least), so not everyone is a fan of them, but I love them.


                  • Brokeass_baller
                    Brokeass_baller commented
                    Editing a comment
                    I use Shocktech Phat hammers with the conical lugs in all of my markers. I swear by them. I agree, though. Lugs make a huge difference.

                  • latches109


                    Editing a comment
                    Myrkul try a polished CCM lug! They semi-rounded and buutterrr. I just bought 5 to replace all my square lugs with them.

                  I'm a huge fan of the ID RIP, and ACP hinge frames.



                    I think sliders are more for the tinkerer since the the internals are interchangeable and springing matters so much. A good one is awesome to shoot. I had a meteor frame with an AKA plate and shocktech roller sear that felt really gritty and a dye slider with the same plate and an old WGP roller sear felt amazing. Sometime you stumble on good combinations.
                    A good hinge is consistently a good hinge and you can't do much to the trigger itself outside of timing and limiting travel to improve it.

                    Originally posted by Aluminumchef View Post
                    I'm a huge fan of the ID RIP, and ACP hinge frames.
                    Always been interested in them since they look great and I like dye two finger hinges.
                    The fog is rolling in, the tide is high
                    Diane's as fat can be,
                    Aye captain Aye

