The pic is misleading. Players today don't understand how feednecks and other gear were modified back then. As an example, I bought a new(to me) Rotor and couldn't get it to fit into a lot of my Empire feednecks. Googled if other had experienced the problems and they had. Nearly every post/resource told the people to not modify the hopper by sanding it down. Some even suggested buying a new feedneck... Players today have no clue how we used to mod gear just 10 years ago. If ST wanted to be perfectly clear, they should have pointed out that taking advantage of low-pros require modding the feedneck AND (mostly) using a force-feed hopper. That info plus the picture above would have achieved the exact am result while also teaching them something.
But I do agree ST should make more of those feednecks. I used one on my Orracle for years and loved it. I also have an ST feedneck on my Axe and love it. Lots of people today are buying up old SFLs and other STs. They want an ST feedneck to go along with it without paying crazy prices in the aftermarket scene. And I mean crazy. I've sold one black ST on/off rail for $100 and a green one for $80 just because the purist/fanboys want an all ST gun. So let's save them some money and do a run of those feednecks.
But I do agree ST should make more of those feednecks. I used one on my Orracle for years and loved it. I also have an ST feedneck on my Axe and love it. Lots of people today are buying up old SFLs and other STs. They want an ST feedneck to go along with it without paying crazy prices in the aftermarket scene. And I mean crazy. I've sold one black ST on/off rail for $100 and a green one for $80 just because the purist/fanboys want an all ST gun. So let's save them some money and do a run of those feednecks.