I'm thinking about upgrading my Sniper build, but nearly every manufacturer not named Nova is out of stock. This includes Inception Designs, Meteor, Freeflow, and so on. I know WGP is supposedly back and will eventually be releasing new parts, but they're not available yet. What happened to the market?
No announcement yet.
Where are all the new Cocker bodies?
I think there was a lot of hype when mech play became big again and now it's just died off and no one is really building anymore except us on mcb so companies aren't producing anymore, the emek might have killed the market as well
Good point on the Emek/Etha 3M. They're $300-400 monsters. The new gold standard for rentals and entry level players with more than enough performance satisfy those with more experience/higher skill. Easy to maintain, bulletproof, not much needed in terms of upgrades (what little you could want isn't very expensive, to boot) and widely available. Hell, I'm hoping to get Mozak to make me a cocker body kit once he's done with the F6 stuff, and that alone will definitely run me WELL over $400...
The emek/etha 3m is great but I'm one of those broke ballers, I love the gog enemy, their cheap usually $100 or less give or take and they still have some soul to them(they feel kinda like an autococker spoolie), I will die in this hill 😂