What's the word on these guns? I've been offered a nice one for trade on an LV1 and don't know much about the BL spoolies. Are they spool only or is there a poppit engine like other bob long inline guns?
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Bob Long Insight
They are spool engines. The GI Sportz Victus is the same gun. The Bob Long Onslaught (and Field One Force, actually) are very similar. I'm not sure what the offer was but it's not worth near as much as an LV1.
Initially there were some problems with the Insight that was fixed with changing oring size. They seem to overall be OK for reliability, more so if you know what you're doing and keep the orings fresh. Low pressure output from your tank is a requirement. The shot has some kick to it. It's not as smooth as other spool guns which may be due to the fast bolt speed. There is a Reflex engine upgrade that adds a spring (like the Onslaught engine) to help with bolt stick and reduce the kick. I haven't tried it personally.
I had a Victus and liked it well enough. I preferred by DM14 at the time.
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Yeah I wouldn't trade a LV1 for an Insight. I love my Insight but it isn't nearly as reliable as a G6R without the upgrades. I have one with both engines and the stock engine has the Rhino mod. It seems more reliable than my old one without the Rhino mod but it's nowhere as nice as a 2011 or 12 G6R.-------------
Markers: Ripper Emek | A-Team LV2 | Hormesis LV2 | Skulls Emek
Gear: CTRL Hoppers | IR2 Hoppers | HK Alpha Air tanks w/Powerhouse Regs | Carbon IC Barrels
Clothes: Carbon Zero and multiple Proflex Masks | Carbon SC base layer and Jersey | Gatormaille G1 Caps | CK Hefe 2.5 Bandana Pants | Shulook Hiking Shoes
Home Field: Hoppers, Savannah GA
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