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What Configuration Next?

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    What Configuration Next?

    I find myself in the following position. I have three Phantoms. Two are well-used and well-loved. One is more recently acquired, but I'm anxiously and enthusiastically looking forward to getting plenty of field time with it. But in the course of completing this third Phantom, I find myself with very nearly enough parts for a fourth. I'm just missing a pump arm, trigger group, and grip. And among the spares are a Roundhead body, undercocking kit, and several valve and feed options.

    You can probably see where this is going.

    Phantom number 1 is a Roundhead with Stabilizer valve body, vertical ASA, Mongo feed, CCI dual rod kit, and Vindicator grips.

    Phantom number 2 is a Roundhead with Mongo feed, CCI dual rod kit, and side-saddle ICD lever changer.

    Phantom number 3 isn't yet done, but once everything arrives will be a standard stock class body with backbottle valve, 45 frame and Apoc Dualpheed, using the standard pump handle.

    Phantom number 4 is...?

    Feed options include CCI 10, 12, and 15 round tubes, and Apoc Phantom-threaded Dualpheed. Valves could be CCI dropout with PT Xtreme lever or Trracer/Maverick backbottle.

    So do I go with a TINY dedicated stock class setup? Non-spring-fed Apoc setup? Oh, I also have a second ICD lever changer and the hardware to do a side-saddle setup if I were to grab a valve body. So that's an option.

    I would love some ideas, and if they are in picture form, all the better.

    How about something super compact? I'm talking about an 8" barrel, mini pump handle, sidesaddle (or better yet, in the grip) 12 gram changer, the works.
    My Feedback Thread


      A definite possibility. I'm considering this pump kit with this valve. And possibly cram-and-jam. 6" Deadlywind. About as small and light as you can get.


      • Rusty Brass

        Rusty Brass

        Editing a comment
        Your second "this" will lead to shooting your own finger from time to time but they're fun to run that small anyway

      • Diomedes


        Editing a comment
        That short barrel actually works really well with the Vendetta style pump handle - index finger goes in that groove in the front, no hurt fingertips.

      Being a “free” phantom (and I use term loosely) what about doing something off the wall?

      Bolt action, single shot? FSR? Or maybe a mag fed?

      That being said, I do love seeing small SC setups with Apoc non-spring feed...especially ones with a little twist that make them unique.

      JeepDVLZ45's Feedback

      💀 Team Ragnastock 💀


        Click image for larger version

Name:	DB206E8B-1DD7-47CE-A4EF-5CB388556B61.jpeg
Views:	1127
Size:	736.6 KB
ID:	123786You could do something like this, it is stupid balanced.


        • Deerejohn220
          Deerejohn220 commented
          Editing a comment
          Do they make that feed tube just as a stock class? Like the look above the dropout changer.

        • A.Greenleaf
          A.Greenleaf commented
          Editing a comment
          I just take the spring out so that it is a rock back.

        • Deerejohn220
          Deerejohn220 commented
          Editing a comment
          My bad I was more asking about the kit itself, I like how the Feedgate is supported on the dropout changer and the clean look. Who makes this and are they still available?

        I have to say... give Cram and Jam another try.
        I have somewhere between 4 and a gazillion Phantoms, and the build I have been enjoying the most lately has been running my 8” shadow unibody as a cram and jam pressing the tube right into the feedneck threads. With the DesertT1 Undercocker and the Vindicator grip, it is so sleek and simple.
        Between this build and the direct feed PGP you sold me that I run Cram and Jam also, I don’t know why I bring all the other markers with me sometimes.
        I like the positive feeding, clear sight line on the body/barrel, and seeing how many balls are left so easily. I like it so much, I am building an 8” shadow Left/Right feed Cram and Jam double barrel Phoenix Phantom, so...yeah.
        I don’t play with anyone who runs “stock class” (usually play with all electros and high end mechanicals), so there is no issue with feed rules or 12 gram vs small tank.

        Oh. And I almost for got my latest build...a Flared stainless barreled RAT unibody with Skull undercocker, bobbed valve and gas through grip. It is not bad as a cram and jam either...although I plan to eventually put an obnoxiously long stick feed on it (chrome?) With a drilled out mini 8-ball on the end as a feed cap. I hope for it to look like a Hot-Rod shift lever or handle from a slot machine.

        Hope that gives you some good ideas. For me, it is kind of an organic thing. For example, I HATED the DesertT1 bullet undercocker/vert adapter...until I tried it on the unibody with the Vindicator...then HEAVEN.
        Mix and match until, magic.


        • Diomedes


          Editing a comment
          Okay, first, I saw that skull pump one on FB, and I love it. Second, how many Vindicators do you own? And third, and most important...are you selling any? ; )

        Oh, and I also forgot the 6” micro Phantom with 8-Ball pump handle and 15rd feed over a Trracer BBA and micro(2.5ish oz) co2 bottle. It was a beauty (I think Johnny Dread called it ADORABLE), but I am so used to being able to getting the back of a pistol right up to my mask after running TiPX’s exclusively for two years, that the length of the feed and tank didn’t work for me in game. It felt sooooo, good in the hands though!
        Maybe if you are already used to the length of Palmers Valves and 15 rd feeds, it would work good for you.


        • Jonnydread


          Editing a comment
          I did, and it is.

        • Chuck E Ducky

          Chuck E Ducky

          Editing a comment
          I tried the K frame on the Phantom and didn’t find it bery comfortable. Maybe it’s my short fingers but it’s nothing compared to the feel of my brass K frame markers.

          I felt like that back valve body thumb screw dug in or prevented me from getting a good grip with the phantom frame. It’s not as comfortable a feel like your Palmers like you would think. Maybe switching to a button head at the back would help I never got that far with it. Cuz I need a stock.

        Sorry, one more...
        How about a gas through grip Hawaiian Style? I never really wanted to try Hawaiian Style, because the loop of gas line from the bottom line ASA to the valve always ruined the enthusiasm for me (sorry Hawaiian devotees).
        Once I figured out I could flip at the ASA to the front on my gas through Phantom, I was like, yeah....this feels nice!
        The fact that I suck at rock n cock, and that I still have the issue of wanting get the pistol up tighter to my mask than a horizontal feed allows, keeps me from digging it in game so far, but maybe... with a reverse feed block or Gen Three SpringPheed, it could be the cat’s meow. Hmmmm.
        Dang! Another layout to try!


          What setup do you play with the most so far?


            Originally posted by Diomedes View Post
            I find myself [snip]...[/snip] all the better.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	origin_kindlephoto-603594756.png
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ID:	123905
            Carp 's Feedback
            Carp 's WTB/WTT


              Micro reverse fed dropout. It is the way.


                Okay, so here's what I've got - Roundhead body with choice of 6", 8", 10", or 12" Deadlywinds, standard feed block with 10 and 15 round feeds, 12 round feed, CCI-threaded Apoc Dualpheed, dropout valve body, or Trracer/Maverick bb ASA, single rod UC kit, the old, Wevo-like version.

                Still need lowers and a pump arm. I think I have everything else.

                For right now, leaning towards rear dropout (the dropout body is modded with a PT Xtreme lever, it's awesome) and the 6" barrel, and then either the Apoc setup with 10 round CCI feed, or just the CCI feed block and cram-and-jam. Our I could go back-bottle with a CCI bucket changer. Also very compact. Either way, absurdly tiny and light.

                BTW, I got a bunch of parts, from some of y'all in this thread, and this is what I built that made so many spare parts available:

                So thank you all for your contributions.


                • Carp


                  Editing a comment
                  The modular platform of the Phantom is Amazing. Just when, I think, I've seen all the different configurations. Someone will have a vision and a new variation is spawned. 😁

                Okay here's how this is going down. The point is the be as small and light as possible. So. Roundhead body, 8" or 6" Deadlywind Fibur. For now, rear dropout valve body with PT Xtreme lever, but once ICD does another run of lever changers, an ICD lever changer straight out the back with one of Doc's new valve bodies. Standard stock class feed block. NO feed tube - we're doing this cram-and-jam. Wevo style UC kit. Again, small and light. And then either a 45 frame or a Eurogrip, because, again, light.

                Related, there's a picture I had of a compact VSC Phantom with a Eurogrip that I can't find. Freak barrel with one of Doc's short tips. VSC. Europgrip. Stock feed, short CCI pump, if I recall. Really nice tight setup. Anyone know what I mean? Because I'd love to see that pic again for reference.


                  Originally posted by Diomedes View Post
                  Okay here's how this is going down. The point is the be as small and light as possible. So. Roundhead body, 8" or 6" Deadlywind Fibur. For now, rear dropout valve body with PT Xtreme lever, but once ICD does another run of lever changers, an ICD lever changer straight out the back with one of Doc's new valve bodies. Standard stock class feed block. NO feed tube - we're doing this cram-and-jam. Wevo style UC kit. Again, small and light. And then either a 45 frame or a Eurogrip, because, again, light.

                  Related, there's a picture I had of a compact VSC Phantom with a Eurogrip that I can't find. Freak barrel with one of Doc's short tips. VSC. Europgrip. Stock feed, short CCI pump, if I recall. Really nice tight setup. Anyone know what I mean? Because I'd love to see that pic again for reference.
                  Magpul MOE-K grips are tiny and feel pretty nice on Phantoms - if I'm allowed to muddy the waters.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Micro Phantom.jpg
Views:	1583
Size:	196.6 KB
ID:	127014

                  I had a set-up like the pic you're describing but I can't find my pics of it before it got turned into this:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Phargoyle.jpg
Views:	1131
Size:	276.6 KB
ID:	127015


                    Mini pump handle stock style.
                    Dropout valve with Docs knob
                    mongo feed because its the best.
                    6 inch or whatever mini barrel
                    Your choice of trigger frame.

                    Its a phantom version of a PGP the classic "mini phantom"

                    But actually an open class hoseless would be most fitting since all your setups are horizontal feed right now.

