Note: This thread is now locked, lets regroup and keep all the information about my feed in 1 place.
XEMON's phantom double sided feed (3D printed) - Info, how-to and Q&A
Hello MCB,
I have been working on a feed for my phantom and I'm currently in the final prototype phase.
This feed is similar to the one made by apoc4lypse; It works exactly in the same manner. So credit where credit is due.
I am hoping to have half a dozen of the prototype out by the end of the month, and the first batch by the end of th next month.
(this is a temporary timeline ... no guaranty ...)
This thread is solely to judge the interest for the first batch, this is not a pre-order.
A specific thread will be made when they are ready to ship with all the details.
It is designed to take a CCI feed tube on the back, or cram'n'jam a 10rd tube.
On the front, there is 2 options:
- Use a CCI feed tube (as pictured bellow)
- Use a carbon fiber tube (more details and picture to come)
Looking forward on you thoughts and feedback.
Let me know if there any questions.
Originally posted by XEMON
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This is the first prototype (the final version will be a bit different) :
And the first first carbon fiber version:
It holds 15 rounds in the front.
And both side by side:
The green tube is a CCI 15 rounds feed, the black tube is a CCI 10 rounds feed.