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Sooo purple!
That is the exact Rev-I I wanted years ago. Was also intrigued by the clear window.Feedback: https://www.mcarterbrown.com/forum/b...ova-s-feedback
WTB: ICD stuff, single trigger electro frames
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DP definitely brought a level of milling back to the paintball world that was reminiscent of the old Timmy era, before PE ruined everything by making the same gun on repeat so well, that everyone followed.
I mean, have you SEEN the Threshold!?
Too bad their quality/reliability wasnt the highest.
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I forgot I also had this purple. I don't like this purple as much, as it's more of a burgundy.
Anyway, now I'm off to drink a can of purple!I can haz feedback?
If I owe you feedback, just remind me, as I sometimes forget.
William the Third Dark purple ? ...or that be the slightly darker, royal purple, can of drink? ...🫡
Carp I'm actually drinking a can of purple right now. It's Canada Dry Blackberry Ginger Ale. However this is what I was referencing.
Oh, and now I'm listening to Purple Rain.