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Planet Eclipse Pump?

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    Planet Eclipse Pump?

    I've got an Emek, and an Etek, and an Etha now... so what do I need to buy to fill the gaping void in my collection: a Planet Eclipse pump? Does it just come down to a cocker pump? or did PE ever have a dedicated pump platform?

    Edit: my OCDness tells me whatever it is, the name has to start with 'E'
    Rainmaker's feedback:

    Eclipse sniper, Eclipse mag pump, Eclipse spump 😳.

    Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk


      Jack Wood has been asked a million times. His answer is always no.

      Guess You could always make one but the PE bodies don’t come cheap.


        Eclipse Sterlings Exist and are sweet.
        Need Inception Designs or Shocktech Products? Let me know!

        MCB Feedback

        old PBN feedback


        • ketzer7


          Editing a comment
          By now, that's gotta be a serious unicorn

        • Hellion360


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          For sure, but probably not all that pricey as unicorns go.

        I started to design a pump emek body that would impinge on the feed stack if "closed" and load if open.... However I stopped because technically you could hold the pump back and shoot semi. I have other ideas too but nothing that doesn't involve machining


          I don't really get PE's obtuseness where a PE pump is concerned. Mech play is coming back roaring, and with the insane paint price increases, pump and stock class games are going to increasingly come back. If you look at the pump market right now, CCM is practically dead, EV and Inception Designs are direct order outlets, Empire doesn't offer pumps anymore and so the only brand left in wider availability is Azodin.

          An affordable, no-frills PE pump would fit the bill really nicely. I always thought that there wouldn't be much rocket science involved in adapting the Ego/Etek platform to a pump design.
          Last edited by The Jayster; 05-26-2022, 11:14 PM. Reason: Forgot about ID.
          Playing the game since 1990


            Originally posted by The Jayster View Post
            I don't really get PE's obtuseness where a PE pump is concerned. Mech play is coming back roaring, and with the insane paint price increases, pump and stock class games are going to increasingly come back. If you look at the pump market right now, CCM is practically dead, EV and Inception Designs are direct order outlets, Empire doesn't offer pumps anymore and so the only brand left in wider availability is Azodin.

            An affordable, no-frills PE pump would fit the bill really nicely. I always thought that there wouldn't be much rocket science involved in adapting the Ego/Etek platform to a pump design.
            The fact that CCM is barely around, and that the Empire Sniper is discontinued, should be proof enough that there is no market for pump anymore, and that isn't going to change.


              The stock class market is only alive because of us older (>30) players. We're a tiny and dwindling niche. There are plenty of used guns on the market to keep us satisfied. Prices are only high for premium markers because demand is far too low for mass production - making the "recent" (past two decades...) designs rushed (e.g. Trracer, Thumper, MVP, et al) and supply crushingly low. CCM products are nice, but they are using a design older than >85% of players.... they're really only "nice" because they are relatively high quality for paintball products. CCI... I mean... Who's honestly buying $700 phantoms when the used market is flooded with working phantoms for ~$200-300, and finding a pump/stockclass group is downright impossible for most people so you have to compare this to something like the EMEK at $300. The main reason I like pump is the style of play, and not having a hopper... I like stick feeds and shoulder stocks. Tanks vs 12g...if playing at a field, HPA is free and offers better performance - so much preferred. If outlaw, then 12g is easier. So, the combo of no hopper and slower play is really the primary draw IMO... sounds a lot like magfed to me... Now if they'd just offer magfed without milsim I'd be all over it.

              That's my $.02 anyway...
              Paintball Selection and Storage - How to make your niche paintball part idea.

              MCB Feedback - B/S/T Listings:


              • MrBarraclough


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                My working hypothesis is that magfed is siphoning off many of the players who a generation earlier would have opted for stock class, and that this is why so many of the few stock class players out there are people who have been playing it forever.

                The counterargument to my hypothesis is that the milsim aspect is integral to the appeal of magfed for those who play it. For some, the higher movement, lower volume of fire style of play may be more of something that they accept as part of the deal than the thing they are primarily drawn to. It's just the price of admission for very LARPy paintball.

                I would imagine, however, that there have to be at least some magfed players who are primarily drawn to the playstyle, and the LARPy stuff to them is either icing on the cake or just something they put up with. It would be interesting to know how the various attitudes break down within the magfed community.
                Last edited by MrBarraclough; 10-21-2022, 11:06 AM. Reason: Corrected "of have been playing" to "who have been playing".

              • anson


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                I can tell you most magfed players are going for realism not for limiting their style of play.

              Originally posted by Siress View Post
              The stock class market is only alive because of us older (>30) players. We're a tiny and dwindling niche. There are plenty of used guns on the market to keep us satisfied. Prices are only high for premium markers because demand is far too low for mass production - making the "recent" (past two decades...) designs rushed (e.g. Trracer, Thumper, MVP, et al) and supply crushingly low. CCM products are nice, but they are using a design older than >85% of players.... they're really only "nice" because they are relatively high quality for paintball products. CCI... I mean... Who's honestly buying $700 phantoms when the used market is flooded with working phantoms for ~$200-300, and finding a pump/stockclass group is downright impossible for most people so you have to compare this to something like the EMEK at $300. The main reason I like pump is the style of play, and not having a hopper... I like stick feeds and shoulder stocks. Tanks vs 12g...if playing at a field, HPA is free and offers better performance - so much preferred. If outlaw, then 12g is easier. So, the combo of no hopper and slower play is really the primary draw IMO... sounds a lot like magfed to me... Now if they'd just offer magfed without milsim I'd be all over it.

              That's my $.02 anyway...
              Back in March a bunch of the Ontario MCB crew played a magfed game and had a great time. Many of us used pump and semis with stick feeds. I tried using a 50rd hopper fed with 10rd tubes on my Automag but the organizer wouldn't have it (despite the fact that tac caps were allowed for Tippmanns); so I too ended up borrowing a stick feed. My Automag with a full length powerfeed and elbow with a 12rd stick feed held 19 or 20rds so I was equal in capacity to others (although reloads were slower).

              See if the mag fed groups/games in your area allow for lax rules like this.

              Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk


                Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0715.jpg
Views:	707
Size:	612.2 KB
ID:	283365
                I Spumped an Etek. done kinda cheap and so it could be quickly turned back to a semi.


                • devilzcall
                  devilzcall commented
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                  Now turn it into a cocker

                My brain wouldn't allow me to let this one go, so here's a thingy I made. EMEK pump body, the "pump" action is via a thumb lever next to the foregrip, which operates a pivoting block...

                Click image for larger version

Name:	PB2.png
Views:	719
Size:	178.5 KB
ID:	283902

                Rainmaker's feedback:


                  And a shooting video... Pretty smooth little thumb-pump action. The pump "stroke" is nice and short too, because all it does is pivot the block about 15 degrees to disrupt the ball stack.

                  Rainmaker's feedback:


                  • Funsi00


                    Editing a comment
                    Has that same feel of a phantom revolution? Very cool! I dig it!

                  Jack also said no to an LV2 but then it happened. I would be curious if they could re-engineer the GC to be manual/pump-able.
                  Feedback 3.0


                    In 2008 my scenario team was offered a sponsorship deal from Planet Eclipse.

                    More than one of us is a pump player. PE wanted everyone shooting an Ego no older than last seasons vintage. I offered the compromise of our pump guys using Eclipse autocockers retrofitted with pump kits.

                    The response was that PE had no interest in any players using "obsolete technology".

                    15 years have passed, but I'm pretty sure They are still pursuing that same marketing strategy.


                    • Siress


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                      It pays the bills.

                    A while back I came across a picture of an Eclipse splash WGP Ranger. It was in England and the guy was asking for a price. I can't remember exactly what the Brits were quoting him but I remember that it was far less than I thought was reasonable (the beat PGP he was also asking for a quote on was supposedly worth more to them). They said something about how pump is completely dead in England.

