I inadvertently left my POPS in the ON position on my Etha 3 after I stopped using the marker.* I don't know how much air was in the bottle - it was well below the half way point (a 3000 psi, 48 cu in, HPA Ninja). When I looked at the gun a few of days later, the tank was empty. I routinely store the it with the POPS off, and experience absolutely no leakage whatsoever. My spare bottles will hold 3000 psi air with no obvious leakage for several months when on a shelf in my closet. Since there are myriad o-rings and another valve in the gun, I am not surprised at the minor leakage I experienced.
Is this normal?
What does the POPS acronym stand for?
*Marker was turned off, hopper off, muzzle covered.
Is this normal?
What does the POPS acronym stand for?
*Marker was turned off, hopper off, muzzle covered.