Tank 550 output
Reg 400 output
Tornado Valve, Lightning Bolt, MiteyMax LPC, Spring kit, sanded and polished striker to shiny. Haven't polished inside of body.
Ball shoots with some reasonable velocity, marker won't recock. Seems like it doesn't really come close to recocking.
Started with soft springs front and back. Switched the front spring to medium. After thinking it over, I should have switched the main spring to medium and maybe left the valve spring as soft.
Three topics of questions:
Should I be trying to find a high flow vertical adapter or modify my Taso adapter to have higher air flow? Are v/a usually high flow enough to properly feed air to the system?
Is there a best practice when setting up the springs? Does one find oneself mixing soft and medium springs or do you usually have the same front and back? Is using the soft springs the ultimate goal or can you get really low pressure operation with the medium springs?
Barrel/ paint: I usually like to overbore my paint but it seems like we need to create more back pressure with LP in mind, no? I got a freak back in the mail recently. Is this a step in the right direction?
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Reg 400 output
Tornado Valve, Lightning Bolt, MiteyMax LPC, Spring kit, sanded and polished striker to shiny. Haven't polished inside of body.
Ball shoots with some reasonable velocity, marker won't recock. Seems like it doesn't really come close to recocking.
Started with soft springs front and back. Switched the front spring to medium. After thinking it over, I should have switched the main spring to medium and maybe left the valve spring as soft.
Three topics of questions:
Should I be trying to find a high flow vertical adapter or modify my Taso adapter to have higher air flow? Are v/a usually high flow enough to properly feed air to the system?
Is there a best practice when setting up the springs? Does one find oneself mixing soft and medium springs or do you usually have the same front and back? Is using the soft springs the ultimate goal or can you get really low pressure operation with the medium springs?
Barrel/ paint: I usually like to overbore my paint but it seems like we need to create more back pressure with LP in mind, no? I got a freak back in the mail recently. Is this a step in the right direction?
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