Facebook Macdev community poked the bear after complete silence and got a response from Macdev themselves
frame swap video https://youtu.be/-iQhVETkFk4
https://youtu.be/3h5x0LHvxTk electronic frame overview
xdr drive! https://youtu.be/967xYoMvp70
https://youtu.be/wGLlzm0VbA8 mech frame detail
owners manual https://macdevpaintball.com/wp-conte...al-1.0-WEB.pdf
as macdev sends out updates I’ll post them in this thread and add video links up here as well
frame swap video https://youtu.be/-iQhVETkFk4
https://youtu.be/3h5x0LHvxTk electronic frame overview
xdr drive! https://youtu.be/967xYoMvp70
https://youtu.be/wGLlzm0VbA8 mech frame detail
owners manual https://macdevpaintball.com/wp-conte...al-1.0-WEB.pdf
as macdev sends out updates I’ll post them in this thread and add video links up here as well