Or, much like the Ship of Theseus - when does it stop being a Palmers and start being something else? π€
This thing has gone through several iterations - it started life as a scratch-built Hurricane, presumably hand-built by Glenn at some point in the early '90s judging by the bespoke internals.
I have no idea how many owners it went through until it ended up in my hands, but by the time I got it in 2020 it had most of the lower tube missing - no LPR components - and the stock was gone. After some questions on Facebook that were answered by Drum ('member him, anyone?), I managed to piece together a semi-functional facsimile of what Glenn had originally installed, which meant it was operational but not useable until I located a stock, which I managed to find on Facebook as well (I think Chplnstone might have sold it to me).
After some nerve-wracking surgery I managed to get it mounted in a KP stock and functional:

But then the real problem with wood-stocked paintball markers reared it's ugly head - KP stocks are too small for me to use comfortably, their ergonomics suck, and I hate them. π Probably why I've sold off the other two I've owned.
It's next iteration involved MAr, his wood, and possibly a video or two - but that's between him and myself.

Most people on here have seen it a time or two, and it even won MOTM at some point. This version improved some issues - namely, it's usability and ergonomics - but revealed others. The LPR had issues - it was just too finicky and led to either not cocking properly and thus chopping half-fed paint, or over-pressurizing the cocking system and locking the trigger up. I found I disliked having a Revvy hanging off the side of the gun, and the large-bore barrel lacked any sort of detents, leading to rollout problems with the tiny paint at the FPO fields I play at.
This coincided with PPS shutting their doors and leaving me without the option of simply sending it to them to bring it up to modern PPS specs, which led to....
The next iteration:

I gutted the lower tube, which led to me using a 'Cane ASA and female Stab so I could run an external LPR sidesaddle of the reg, and I built a clamp-on springfeed. This setup improved a few things but I still wasn't happy with the results... and even with wedgits hammered into the barrel I still had rollouts or barrel breaks depending on the paint. Plus - it was goofy looking. π
Fast forward to January '24 - I've been experimenting with building brass Sheridan-based markers for a couple of years now, with the end goal of developing a skillset that would allow me to build a new body for my Hurricane based on my own specs. In the process I've scrapped a few projects or stolen parts off others, and taken more than a few ideas off the stuff other people are building (a lot of talented builders on here, and I'm grateful they post their stuff up for others to gawk at and drool over).
I didn't want to cut up the original body so I built another one using two partial Sheridan lowers and a scratch-built upper. This one takes Freak XL inserts, has a 10 round spring feed, and uses an external Microrock in the usual under-barrel location. I built it to accept all the usual PPS internals and cocking components, so it retains side-mounted Humphreys ram, the quickstrip PPS bolt, and Hurricane 4way and Zbracket.

Just a couple more things to do yet - I'm going to use a Cocker detent and there are plans for a full length lugged rail that will incorporate a barrel tip retainer, so I still have some hotwork to finish up, and I need to decide what stock I'll use and finish modifying that. Got a couple ideas on how I'll mount a regulator and run hoses, not sure how they'll work out yet.
This thing has gone through several iterations - it started life as a scratch-built Hurricane, presumably hand-built by Glenn at some point in the early '90s judging by the bespoke internals.
I have no idea how many owners it went through until it ended up in my hands, but by the time I got it in 2020 it had most of the lower tube missing - no LPR components - and the stock was gone. After some questions on Facebook that were answered by Drum ('member him, anyone?), I managed to piece together a semi-functional facsimile of what Glenn had originally installed, which meant it was operational but not useable until I located a stock, which I managed to find on Facebook as well (I think Chplnstone might have sold it to me).
After some nerve-wracking surgery I managed to get it mounted in a KP stock and functional:

But then the real problem with wood-stocked paintball markers reared it's ugly head - KP stocks are too small for me to use comfortably, their ergonomics suck, and I hate them. π Probably why I've sold off the other two I've owned.
It's next iteration involved MAr, his wood, and possibly a video or two - but that's between him and myself.

Most people on here have seen it a time or two, and it even won MOTM at some point. This version improved some issues - namely, it's usability and ergonomics - but revealed others. The LPR had issues - it was just too finicky and led to either not cocking properly and thus chopping half-fed paint, or over-pressurizing the cocking system and locking the trigger up. I found I disliked having a Revvy hanging off the side of the gun, and the large-bore barrel lacked any sort of detents, leading to rollout problems with the tiny paint at the FPO fields I play at.
This coincided with PPS shutting their doors and leaving me without the option of simply sending it to them to bring it up to modern PPS specs, which led to....
The next iteration:

I gutted the lower tube, which led to me using a 'Cane ASA and female Stab so I could run an external LPR sidesaddle of the reg, and I built a clamp-on springfeed. This setup improved a few things but I still wasn't happy with the results... and even with wedgits hammered into the barrel I still had rollouts or barrel breaks depending on the paint. Plus - it was goofy looking. π
Fast forward to January '24 - I've been experimenting with building brass Sheridan-based markers for a couple of years now, with the end goal of developing a skillset that would allow me to build a new body for my Hurricane based on my own specs. In the process I've scrapped a few projects or stolen parts off others, and taken more than a few ideas off the stuff other people are building (a lot of talented builders on here, and I'm grateful they post their stuff up for others to gawk at and drool over).
I didn't want to cut up the original body so I built another one using two partial Sheridan lowers and a scratch-built upper. This one takes Freak XL inserts, has a 10 round spring feed, and uses an external Microrock in the usual under-barrel location. I built it to accept all the usual PPS internals and cocking components, so it retains side-mounted Humphreys ram, the quickstrip PPS bolt, and Hurricane 4way and Zbracket.
Just a couple more things to do yet - I'm going to use a Cocker detent and there are plans for a full length lugged rail that will incorporate a barrel tip retainer, so I still have some hotwork to finish up, and I need to decide what stock I'll use and finish modifying that. Got a couple ideas on how I'll mount a regulator and run hoses, not sure how they'll work out yet.