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Good 50rnd hoppers

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    Good 50rnd hoppers

    So I'm looking for a decent 50 round hopper. I tried one from GXG? It's a piece of crap. The way it's designed the paint binds up no matter what. I have only made it slightly functional by melting and shaping it. So I need a good 50 round hopper that feeds decent and doesn't break the bank.
    πŸ’€Team RagnastockπŸ’€
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    WTB Sheridan Parts

    I just got an APP one for $10 don't know how it feeds but I'd imagine fairly well since they're so common. I've heard nothing but good things about the PBDNA hoppers, but the price plus shipping over the border and possible duty has kept me away.

    Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk


    • Jonnydread


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      I think the APP hoppers are common because they're easy to fine not so much that they feed well. I have never liked how they feed, they always seem to jam up.

    I have owned a 25 round Geoff box and 50 round loader from PBDNA and they live up to their reputations. I have used them on my pumps and my Emek and they do not disappoint.


      I’ve used a Sportshot for years now. Might not be the best, but work well after a little sanding.
      Cuda's Feedback


        Do dry fires and hopper jams drive you absolutely wild? Then you want the JOLO. Damn near perfect on my pumps and my EMEK. I love it, wish there was a 100 round version. If you don’t want to spend the $50 then your next best option is the APP. I wouldn’t consider anything other than these two for pocket hoppers.


        • Chuck E Ducky

          Chuck E Ducky

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          He makes a larger version but I think the sportshot / GoG feeds the best for the money in the 100 round category and the sport shot takes a standard universal speed feed like the cheap $5-$10 ones that fit the halo b. Something I really really like about it. I run mine with a standard pack and place two paper towels in the bottom of 140 pods and use a standard pack and pods. This works amazing and keeps the paint quiet while creepin. Also stops the need to have a 100 round pack and pod setup in the bag to use a mid size hopper.

        • Menso
          Menso commented
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          He makes a bigger JOLO? I’ve never seen it, is it listed for sale on the website because I’m not seeing it.

        Top 50 round hopper IMO
        1. PBDNA JoLo- it takes full 50 round pods of both types collared and non-collard pods. So no mods needed this thing will feed you can run them on electro without issues and it will keep up with my modified Emek for short way faster then you would think bursts. The dimples around the feedneck keep Pressure on the stack and paint feeding one ball at a time. The shelf adds structure to the printed hopper so it’s strong and durable while keeping paint falling in line with the stack without losing a bunch of space in the hopper. Magnetic locking built into the lid is super nice and secures paint well. There is even an option to put a 10 round tube speed feed in the lid. Custom colors and patterns put in the sides so you can make it your own. Best performing, best feeding, no mods needed. This thing feeds awesome takes a shot and just straight up rocks! I run it on my Emek with that First Strike 15ci 5.5k tank and it’s so much fun. I think It’s lighter then my VSC SC phantom and will rip some paint.

        2. Winchester- classic look, best feeding these things will not hit electo/ Mech speeds well but it will feed constantly. However they need modification to feed well. Feednecks are weak and split. This is common. People cut the long feedneck that is the reason the hopper feeds better then others. So most people ruined them by doing this after the feedneck split. They need to be protected the plastic in thin. Flexible but thin so direct shots will break paint in the hopper. You will need to lid mod the hopper. Cleanest way is with a lock lid top and Chicago screws like what is found holding the flex bottoms together. Some people glue it. I wanted mine replaceable. I use a ginger dynamic cover for mine to keep it from breaking paint when getting it shot. This gets pricy especially with the markup on the Winchester hoppers on the used only market they are also difficult find. Cool classic look that feeds well. It needs to be modified properly or they feed like crap. I can walk you threw it it’s not hard if you go this route. To buy now it’s probably cheaper to just go with the JoLo.

        3. APP-60 (not the 50) APP recently within the last 5 years came out with a hopper that comes with a nice lid, has a longer feedneck (key to a good feed, stack pressure) and the hopper takes a full 50 round pod. Its durable, it’s cheap by comparison and needs no mods to feed well. Cheapest option that feeds well. This is the Best budget out the box performance without mods.

        I wouldn’t use any of the other options in the 50 round category. you can make some of them feed but requires a lot work. Like that GXG cone shaped one you need to fill the nose with silicone and cut pods capacity down to make it feed.

        Most 50 round pods hold a bit more then 50 paintballs. 65-70 ish most 50 round hoppers don’t hold that. Paint need room to move on a shake and shoot. Over filling it’s the most common issues with small 50 round hoppers. Placing the hopper in the feedneck properly will 100% make any non powered hopper feed better. Place hopper on the marker open the back and place paint in the feedneck. You want the last ball in that stack to be half in the hopper and half in the feedneck. This prevents paint from lining of up perfectly and blocking or slowing the feed. They fall one at a time instead of sitting on each others shell. The JoLo has dimples around this area to prevent this Btw it’s very ingenious. Longer feenecks feed faster (stack pressure) remember back in the day with the massive stove pipe feednecks and hopper elbows (This is why). Don’t buy cut down hoppers. Especially the Winchester.

        Unless you want to tinker mod the hopper and a classic look just get the Jolo. If you find it’s to expensive I would go with the APP-60. Non collard 50 round pods hold a lil less but won’t stay in strapless pack like the PB mafia 5-50. So depending on your pack setup you may have to use the collard larger pods. This causes feed issues on most hoppers.

        Knowing your taste for the finer things. Spring for the JoLo and be done with it.


        • Jonnydread


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          Great post Chuck. I too love the JOLO.

        • Tracker


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          this is the 1-2-3 of how i would rate them for pretty much all the same main reasons, thank you for saving me the typing

          im a Winchester guy because i have spares, but when those blow apart, ill get a jolo

        You could make your own like thepaintballtwins on youtube. While I personally can't vouch for them, these guys have tons of videos where they work great. They even have a video showing how to make them.


          I do like the Classic look of the Winchester tho. Click image for larger version

Name:	D03669A7-65A9-4F7B-80F8-211D90C25B84.png
Views:	790
Size:	4.19 MB
ID:	212345


            My only additional recommendation to this thread is the VL-90. They are bit taller, but they feed very consistently and have a more classic rounded shape to them. A member on here 3d prints magnetic lids for them too. I love mine, it's my go-to pump hopper.

            That said, I also have a JOLO and it's great.
            πŸ’€ PK x Ragnastock πŸ’€


              The JOLO from PaintballDNA has been my go to for a while now. I got the one with the 10rnd tube feedgate in the lid and love it.

              They go on sale pretty regularly, so check em out.


                This is what sold me…


                • rawbutter
                  rawbutter commented
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                  That's awesome. I have one of their 20-round stick feeds, and it works great, but I think I like the idea of this even better.

                • Chuck E Ducky

                  Chuck E Ducky

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                  Yeah the lil hopper feeds amazing.

                Looks like I'm ordering a Jolo. Seems to be exactly what I'm looking for. Thank you all for your replies.
                πŸ’€Team RagnastockπŸ’€
                Ion Long Rifle
                Spyder Pump
                BST Feedback
                Brass Thread

                WTB Sheridan Parts


                  I'm a big fan of the Sportshot. It is bigger than what you are looking for but it works great.


                    Thanks for all the insight. Been looking at the JOLO, but was a little leary of the 3D printed construction. Glad to hear so many positive experiences.


                      If you're interested in the 100-150 round then I'm definitely a fan of the sport shots. The GOG multical is the best feeding mass produced gravity hopper. I find no difference between it and the APP 50 round in terms of my field of view.

                      Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk

