I picked up a PMI-I (educated guess based on the helpful ID thread here) on ebay recently that needs some work. It seems to pressurize fine, but as soon as I pull the trigger it starts to leak and can't even get off the first shot.
Is this seal kit a good place to start? https://palmerspursuit.com/products/seal-kit-12-gram. Any upgrades I should look at picking up while I'm at it?
Thanks in advance! I'm still drinking from the firehose on this site but it's heartening to see so many people doing cool stuff with brass, I've been out of the loop for a long time...
Is this seal kit a good place to start? https://palmerspursuit.com/products/seal-kit-12-gram. Any upgrades I should look at picking up while I'm at it?
Thanks in advance! I'm still drinking from the firehose on this site but it's heartening to see so many people doing cool stuff with brass, I've been out of the loop for a long time...