So this came to me as a chplnstone pirate. Beautiful accents, but unfortunately poor performance. It shot up to velocity, but got an abysmal 12 shots per 12gram. After much heartache and swearing I found the set screw that plugs the bottom of the modded valve slightly offset the upper valve hole from the transfer port. In addition, for some weird reason the hole on the bottom of the centerfire bolt didn’t quite lineup with the transfer port either. The icing on the cake came when the rear of the modded feed tube mysteriously split, allowing the feed plug to spin about willy nilly instead of holding firm. So I decided to remove the little skull accents, put them in a bag for later and make this thing my own.

Torched off the top tube to clean up the lines, and dug a full Sheridan stock out of my bin. I removed the set screws from the modded valve, filled the holes and channels with epoxy. Lined up the top hole with the transfer port and reset the bottom set screw for proper alignment. Used my dremel to widen the lower bolt hole for proper air movement. Then I went ahead and threw that pump arm aside for a bolt action conversion. Drilled and tapped the bolt for new lug position, as well as a gpc universal bolt handle. Added a fresh spring and ball bearings to the bolt as well. The action is nice and smooth.

It’s a fun single shooter right now, with about 24 shots per 12gram. But I’ll probably make my own stock for it as well as repurpose that busted feedtube and decorative bits into a ten round side tube.

Torched off the top tube to clean up the lines, and dug a full Sheridan stock out of my bin. I removed the set screws from the modded valve, filled the holes and channels with epoxy. Lined up the top hole with the transfer port and reset the bottom set screw for proper alignment. Used my dremel to widen the lower bolt hole for proper air movement. Then I went ahead and threw that pump arm aside for a bolt action conversion. Drilled and tapped the bolt for new lug position, as well as a gpc universal bolt handle. Added a fresh spring and ball bearings to the bolt as well. The action is nice and smooth.

It’s a fun single shooter right now, with about 24 shots per 12gram. But I’ll probably make my own stock for it as well as repurpose that busted feedtube and decorative bits into a ten round side tube.