Hey y'all, this is my PGP I used to rock back when I was a teenager in the mid-90s. I bought it used in 1995 off another player, and have always been curious about how old it actually is. I asked the question on Reddit and everyone bounced me back to here. I didn't see any threads in the Sheridan section about properly dating old markers individually (if I missed one I'm sorry in advance), but what I want to know is how old IS my old friend?
What I know about the gun;
-The serial number is "D117915".
-According to the person I bought it from, he inherited it from his older brother who in turn had bought it used from a field that was transitioning away from stock-class rentals and wanted to switch to constant-air guns. I have no idea if any of that is true, that's just what I was told when I bought it.
-It was already worn and "patina-ed" when I bought it. Legit, y'all...back in the day I was surprised to learn that new PGPs were black. When I bought it at 16 I assumed the brown patina was a from-the-factory thing.
Can anyone help out here? I already tried emailing baccipaintball but their weird "I'm not a robot" system kept defeating me (I'm not a robot I swear!) so now I'm asking here.