The snow has all melted, the first robins have appeared in my yard, and I can walk around in just my Howie's Hockey hoodie and a toque (and pants, too - it's not THAT warm out yet, you sickos)... so it's time to start some more builds.
I picked up a really nice CB9 Bluestreak stock and trigger group a couple months ago that have been languishing in a bin, waiting for spring to arrive... and for me to decide what to do with them.
The stock is waaaay too nice to cut up, but the PMI-1 donor body is too short to run a pump handle. What to do, what to do... got it. Bolt Action!
So, I dug through some bins and assembled everything I wanted to use.... I'm re-using my old KP2's bolt but built the breech to accept P-series bolts so I can run a pump handle in a different stock/pistol configuration. I've also gone Cocker thread on the top tube - Freedummy fingers now optional for those days when the paint is just too lumpy to run inserts - and I went with a Phantom feedblock so I can run it single shot OR run FS rounds through it (if I decide to cut the breech for them, haven't made my mind up).
Still a work in progress, but the major bits are together now... I still need to install a Cocker detent (why are they so EXPENSIVE?!), cut the feedhole in the breech, finish the bolt off, and figure out an RVA solution for the trigger group... and eventually a Fastchanger.
I picked up a really nice CB9 Bluestreak stock and trigger group a couple months ago that have been languishing in a bin, waiting for spring to arrive... and for me to decide what to do with them.
The stock is waaaay too nice to cut up, but the PMI-1 donor body is too short to run a pump handle. What to do, what to do... got it. Bolt Action!
So, I dug through some bins and assembled everything I wanted to use.... I'm re-using my old KP2's bolt but built the breech to accept P-series bolts so I can run a pump handle in a different stock/pistol configuration. I've also gone Cocker thread on the top tube - Freedummy fingers now optional for those days when the paint is just too lumpy to run inserts - and I went with a Phantom feedblock so I can run it single shot OR run FS rounds through it (if I decide to cut the breech for them, haven't made my mind up).
Still a work in progress, but the major bits are together now... I still need to install a Cocker detent (why are they so EXPENSIVE?!), cut the feedhole in the breech, finish the bolt off, and figure out an RVA solution for the trigger group... and eventually a Fastchanger.