No warranty expressed or implied. Proceed at your own risk. You assume all liability.
I got a smile out of organizing the various versions of these files that I have when I discovered there's a shout-out to me in the Read Me file. I have no recollection of ever being involved in the development, so it must have been something minor.
For your tinkering pleasure, here are the various related files that I found on this project.
I doubt many of us have a computer laying around that's running XP and has a DB-25 port. As such, I'm fairly confident that some tinkering will be required to make this work. The crux of it is that you need a programmer for the ATmega8L (or AT90LS4433), and you need software that can program the chip with the included hex files.
These days, I think you'd be best served with a cheap USB programmer (with on-board software to load the hex files) like this one: (Linux compatible)
I got a smile out of organizing the various versions of these files that I have when I discovered there's a shout-out to me in the Read Me file. I have no recollection of ever being involved in the development, so it must have been something minor.
For your tinkering pleasure, here are the various related files that I found on this project.
I doubt many of us have a computer laying around that's running XP and has a DB-25 port. As such, I'm fairly confident that some tinkering will be required to make this work. The crux of it is that you need a programmer for the ATmega8L (or AT90LS4433), and you need software that can program the chip with the included hex files.
These days, I think you'd be best served with a cheap USB programmer (with on-board software to load the hex files) like this one: (Linux compatible)