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Tippmann 12 Round Mag Assembly
For reference I have oriented the mag upside down, so the top of the photo shows the bottom of the mag.
Start with the shorter of the two mag halves, the one without the loop on the bottom. Take the small silver spring with two ends pointing upwards onto the mount at the bottom of the mag, the top right in the photo:
Next, you take the black plastic loosely V-shaped piece and link it to the longer spring end and the mount in the mag:
Then you take the long rod that runs the length of the mag and insert the angled end into the V-shaped piece you just installed:
It should just slide right in without any issues;
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Now we move to the top of the mag and we install the ball retention plate. Please note the orientation in the photos. The smooth side should face the top opening of the mag and ensure it is sitting in the channel so it can move properly:
We now need to grab the small blue screw and insert it under the ball retention piece:
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And now we put the other half of the mag back together, connecting the rear of the mag first, and then the front:
You can throw a screw into the lowest screw hole to keep things together, but don’t put all the screws in yet, as we need to open the top a little when we put the ball follower in.
But before that we need to re-insert the main spring:
And now we install the follower. Note it’s orientation. The middle tab orients to the middle of the mag, not the outside:
When you go to push the follower into the mag it will catch on the two side tabs:
This is why we only put one screw in the mag. Carefully pull the mag apart enough to push the follower into the mag, and then push it back together and put all the screws back in and you are done!
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