Going through my files I decided to get some old stuff back up and online.
I've uploaded it here: https://www.mcarterbrown.com/ownersg...gog/index.html
It was the website back in 2001 and when we successfully got enough people together to make a run of 62 caliber paint, or really we had a list of folks to buy enough paint that blowguns northwest decided to have a run done.
So those of you that do still own some of that new run .62 caliber paint. Now you know how old it is.
The auction site never worked... The messageboard I have not uploaded as I don't seem to have that folder, but you'll get the idea on discussion. The SMG Owners Group was eventually made to look just like MCB as it was my code, but the birth of MCB as we now know it is what killed the SMG Owners Group. Was no need to have two places to discuss vintage stuff so the SMGOG died out and I closed it down.
I've uploaded it here: https://www.mcarterbrown.com/ownersg...gog/index.html
It was the website back in 2001 and when we successfully got enough people together to make a run of 62 caliber paint, or really we had a list of folks to buy enough paint that blowguns northwest decided to have a run done.
So those of you that do still own some of that new run .62 caliber paint. Now you know how old it is.
The auction site never worked... The messageboard I have not uploaded as I don't seem to have that folder, but you'll get the idea on discussion. The SMG Owners Group was eventually made to look just like MCB as it was my code, but the birth of MCB as we now know it is what killed the SMG Owners Group. Was no need to have two places to discuss vintage stuff so the SMGOG died out and I closed it down.