Good afternoon gents, my 11 year old son just started playing and I picked up a used A-5 with an RT kit in good condition on the cheap. Went to the field yesterday and couldn’t get the fps over 220-240. Started all the way in and gradually went all the way out on the velocity screw and I’d occasionally hit 250.
I read everything I could online and folks with similar problems changed the hammer spring with a minor velocity increase (5 fps). From my research this is an older A-5 without the thumb safety selector, which has the 2 outside channels on the valve in the power tube instead of 4. Word on the street is I need to get the newer 4 channel valve to get the velocity up.
All my hpa tanks have regular/high pressure output, and they all yielded the same results.
Before ordering anything, does anyone have experience with this issue and changing to the 4 channel valve? Thanks!
I read everything I could online and folks with similar problems changed the hammer spring with a minor velocity increase (5 fps). From my research this is an older A-5 without the thumb safety selector, which has the 2 outside channels on the valve in the power tube instead of 4. Word on the street is I need to get the newer 4 channel valve to get the velocity up.
All my hpa tanks have regular/high pressure output, and they all yielded the same results.
Before ordering anything, does anyone have experience with this issue and changing to the 4 channel valve? Thanks!