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What happened to Pump paintball.

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    Pump play still seems pretty healthy around New England. The paint quality has been inconsistent this year, though I haven't found it particularly problematic with using a pump. I AM one of those masochists that enjoys playing pump against electro, but you certainly have to adjust your play style and pop a 4-leaf clover in your boot.

    Like others are alluding to the over saturation of the market and the lack of innovation has stalled the market for new pumps. There's a pretty substantial lack of demand for newer pumps, look what happened to the PRP, MVP and so on. New CCMs still command a hearty price, but I'm not sure how much it's demand vs. scarcity. Theoretically it would be cool to have a super modular gun that can go from open to stock, constant air to 12g, QOL upgrades like wedgit'd barrel, clamping feedneck, gas-thru grip with a regulator, quick-strip etc., but I am skeptical that even a perfect gun like that would actually sell.

    I think it may have been AnarchicArctic that I was talking to a while ago that said we need a new Trracer, as in a good quality, inexpensive, entry level pump. Accessibility is an issue for newer players cause you kind of have to be in the know to get into it. Most of the younger players I see that play pump are the ones who had an older player foster the style for them.
    💀 PK x Ragnastock 💀


      I've been curious about the lack of new pumps on the marker as well, the demand isn't there like it used to be and the used market seems like a good option for many players. However it'd be interesting to see how a simple but reliable marker would do in the market. Something designed around a valve like a nelson/sterling with all the aftermarket additions designed in from the start. Things like an undercocking setup, changeable feed setup, etc. Phantom's are great but by the time you're done updating them with what has become pretty standard in the industry (undercocking kit, detents or freaked barrel system) they're a pretty expensive marker. Be nice to see a simpler entry level marker designed around the current market and paint. Can't do much about poor paint quality but offer a smaller stock bore size.


      • sniper97
        sniper97 commented
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        Not a pump, Emek is exactly what you are describing.

      Exactly the demand for CCM is due to the lack of new CCM. People buy them to resell for more money. How many you see going up for sale that have never been used. Even CCM has picked up on it and started auction style sales on eBay.

      Kids today don’t like to be challenged there not going to handicap themselves unless it will get them likes on BookFace. They are all about looking for that edge and the next best thing that Social Media pushes. It’s all about the “win” at any cost and social media instant gratification. It’s not cool to shoot empire sniper but you get a CCM, JT IZE and some old retro MX gear and and your a Instagram hero. Real life don’t matter to the new generation it’s all about online perception.

      Just look at the gaming industry. The people making cheats for games make more then the games themselves. It don’t matter if you rune yours and others experience as long as you can put those stats up. It’s all about perception and no longer about the process and work put in.


      • Jonnydread


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        I think that's why exposure to 'real' activities from a young age is so important. It's easy to pop a controller into your kid's hands and let them go to town, but it takes a lot more effort and energy to bring them places and actually do things. I don't have kids, but I imagine the babysitter aspect of video games and internet shit is a big draw for busy parents. If kids got more gratification out of real life they may not be as interested in seeking it online. That said peer approval is a big deal when you're young so who the hell knows.

      • Shaftski
        Shaftski commented
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        Been reading articles a lot lately saying that we've taken away public access to things from kids so much they are just retreating indoors. There are fewer and fewer places for young kids to assemble on a daily basis to hang out and just be kids. Growing up, we used to hang out at this spot down by the train tracks and just ride our bikes. These days we would have the cops called on us. We just aren't giving them that daily access to the outdoors and they are giving up on being out there.

      • Magmoormaster
        Magmoormaster commented
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        Kids these days, with the hair and the clothes, and the rock n roll music...


      IMO the pump demand shifted to mag fed. That's what people who want to shoot limited paint are gravitating towards. More marker choices, aftermarket upgrade possibilities, and you get to play dress up. No more hoppers in your line of sight, clips are spring fed, no 12g to change out. And you can shoot FSR to get around roundball quality issues.

      The #1 reason I always hear for why people won't play pump is simple. They are afraid to embarrass themselves in front of others. Always saying they are too clumsy to do stock class, stuff like that. It's supposed to be fun, part of having fun is being able to laugh at yourself. I think it's awesome when someone gets me while changing out a 12g. It's funny as hell to shoot out a puncture seal and leak like crazy the rest of the game. Makes for way better staging area conversation.

      People just need to loosen up a little, hit the woods, shoot some stock class, and have a good time IMO. The paintball universe would be a much happier place.


      • Chappy


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        Change the goalpost, too. If I get tagged by an electro player that shot 2 pods worth to get me, while I was almost out of paint and popped a handful of rounds from my sniper at him, I call this a win. Especially if I kept him busy long enough that someone else on my team to make a move they otherwise couldn't. Of course, I consider any improvement over my past self to be a win, I don't worry about the outcome of the game too much in my assessment of how much fun I had.
        On the other hand I feel I am a much better player playing limited pant in just about every scenario, except maybe open class speedball with veteran players.

      • BLachance75


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        If I worried about not embarrassing myself and looking stupid I’d never play.

      • sniper97
        sniper97 commented
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        I think everyone should play stock class, show up to the field and everyone has the same marker....skill is the only difference

      There isn't a lot of demand for new pump guns because they don't really get worn out. They probably made one batch of empire snipers and between inception and ANSgear the parts they ran sat around for the last ten years.

