So I'd stopped playing a while back because I got so sick of asshole players and disappointing field management. While I did other hobbies and a deployment in the meantime, I really needed a good fight and felt compelled to go after debating myself about it all morning.
Some mutterings.
EDIT: A ghost wrote this post. See the last bullet to find out why.
Some mutterings.
- I hadn't cleaned my gear after my last outing, which was a huge scenario game. The gunk that forms is pretty difficult to get out. I highly recommend getting into old gear and giving it a good cleaning. Yearslong sitting results in a much stickier and more solidified kind of residue than a week's long. I wasted a solid 30 minutes when I arrived just getting everything play-ready.
- The rust came off quick. I was back to my old self (patient, super aggressive when opportunity breaks, calm except when yelling surrender, smart shots with me Phantom) within about 6 games.
- The acclamation to pain was even faster. The first hit got a good reaction out of me, I was back to normal by the second (I don't flinch no more).
- The paint... holy hell the paint. It was bad, man. I dismissed what was said here as hyperbole, but I get it now. I got the "good" stuff and put it through a freak bore. Shots were as far as a foot off target (horizontally) at like 30 feet. Shots that are easy with good paint take up to 10 to get on target. This is a really sad state of affairs.
- I feel like fields have always been a little frustrating to deal with, especially when they want timed games with respawns to drive paint sales. Usually I can get enough clout at a place to suggest other games or increase rate of play. Today, I was disappointed at the field. I hadn't been there before, but their format was 15 minute games, 15 minute breaks. They wouldn't allow 1v1 challenges or any people to assemble games. They wouldn't rotate groups to keep up constant play. The field was just empty when it wasn't every single patron playing at once. Having kids and a busy job, I can't spend all day doing hobbies like I used to. It would be nice to keep up a high pace for what few hours I have on a weekend so I can maximize my entertainment.
- Maybe the last few fields I played at had bad cultures. The players and most of the refs were great. Sportsmanship was high, overshooting was hardly an issue, no cheating at all, people were friendly to new players.
- EDIT: I am dead. I worked muscles and movements that have been alien to my body since I last played. The thighs are sore from all the weird body positioning that has to be done. The knees and shins are brused from slides and being crouched. Torso is out of comission from all that turret motion. I figuratively literally died today. Avenge me.
EDIT: A ghost wrote this post. See the last bullet to find out why.