Out of curiosity, would it be possible to do one out of brass or stainless? I'm sure the tooling / speeds & feeds would need to be adjusted.

Milled from solid brass, like the aluminum shown here? No problem! Figure the price will be roughly twice quoted- you're looking at $250 just in raw bar stock- and the resulting gun will be about six to eight pounds heavier than a normal VT.

More reasonably, I could put together a body out of soldered brass tubing, like a Palmer's gun- I've always wanted to make a brass 'Cocker body that way, and it'd only be a little more effort to make one in Vee-Twin style.

If you're interested in something like that, drop me an email and I can work you up a quote.
Stainless? Not impossible, but milled-from-solid, on my poor manual machines? You'd be looking at three to five times the cost. As above, one could be assembled from silver-soldered or brazed stainless tubing, but there'd still be a ton of work in it.

None of it's impossible, though.