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    A good mail day here...

    Click image for larger version  Name:	20230803_235410.jpg Views:	11 Size:	2.69 MB ID:	436024

    Click image for larger version

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Size:	2.53 MB
ID:	436044 Click image for larger version

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Size:	2.86 MB
ID:	436043
    Last edited by Levi; 08-05-2023, 12:10 AM. Reason: added rail pics


    • FredMnkyDad10


      Editing a comment
      What rails are those?

    • Levi


      Editing a comment
      Those are Luke's H2 Teth 9.1 rails. But I had him leave out the ULE milling at the front because I have something custom brewing for that area.

      Last edited by Levi; 08-05-2023, 12:11 AM.

    • FredMnkyDad10


      Editing a comment
      Oh brew away can't wait to see what comes out

    I came home to some parts from ACP for my next build. LP lower tube kit, Detent, IVG, Pump Arm(s) and Macroline. Now waiting on getting the rest of the parts back from Ruckus Anodizing.
    Attached Files
    ChuckLove on YouTube


      Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20230802_213545_999.jpg
Views:	500
Size:	1.83 MB
ID:	436193 Just picked up this beauty.


      • scottieb


        Editing a comment
        The Nerf! Love it!

      Not today, but this past week; got myself an MCS Warp Feed for my Tippmann Automag. Lol

      Initial impressions are... ok... It looks like it'll only hold 50 rounds, but it actually holds a full 140 round pod just fine. It's sound activated, and doing a small feed test into an empty box, it took 34:35 seconds to empty. It wasn't a real accurate test, but it's something. I keep reading that it performs well with all settings at "3", so I'll be trying that. I haven't even read the instructions yet, so I have no idea what it's set to, stock. Expect a full review later on. That Velcro lid, though, will become the bane of my existence. I just know it.
      Attached Files


      • latches109


        Editing a comment
        Buy a Velcro strip and place small magnets on the inside. Velcro to lid and box. Now you have a magnetic lid.

      • Brokeass_baller
        Brokeass_baller commented
        Editing a comment
        That's not a bad idea, but I'm not sure it'll work. The top is pretty snug. That might be too bulky.

      Just a JOLO or two...

      JeepDVLZ45's Feedback

      💀 Team Ragnastock 💀


      • Chuck E Ducky

        Chuck E Ducky

        Editing a comment
        I needed at least two for the V Twin build.

      • JeepDVLZ45


        Editing a comment
        There are a few doubles in the family that will be rocking these bad boys

      • redsquirrel


        Editing a comment
        Those look incredible.

      I'm sure the Fedex guy was not pleased with me Click image for larger version

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Size:	455.5 KB
ID:	436814


      • Chuck E Ducky

        Chuck E Ducky

        Editing a comment
        Lol they hate me when I put my yearly order in to Red Rock.

      • JeepDVLZ45


        Editing a comment
        My mail carrier is gonna hate me soon, too. It’s about time I order another around 🤣

      Picked up this Cabela’s Raptor for cheap on eBay, partly because it had the Diamond Labs trigger. Best part was when I took it apart and it had the hard to find Diamond Labs valve and bolt. Hogue grips just to top it off.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_6078.jpg
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ID:	436823
      WTB Micromag Foregrip, ICD Sight Rail, Purple VL2000


        Got my Nova N3 back from being serviced and upgraded. I REALLY like this trigger shoe. They replaced all the orings and got it shooting beautifully again. You can hear where I am out shooting the CTRL. It's insanely fast! Not my color scheme but that's easily fixed. I also bought some red Empire skull grips and they will be here this week.

        Attached Files
        Markers: Ripper Emek | A-Team LV2 | Hormesis LV2 | Skulls Emek
        Gear: CTRL Hoppers | IR2 Hoppers | HK Alpha Air tanks w/Powerhouse Regs | Carbon IC Barrels
        Clothes: Carbon Zero and multiple Proflex Masks | Carbon SC base layer and Jersey | Gatormaille G1 Caps | CK Hefe 2.5 Bandana Pants | Shulook Hiking Shoes
        Home Field: Hoppers, Savannah GA
        Previous Gear
        Share your paintball stories of growing the sport ->


        • Chuck E Ducky

          Chuck E Ducky

          Editing a comment
          Got to get yourself an LTR and see what you can hit with it.

        • Cyberpyr8


          Editing a comment
          Actually I am going in the other direction and bought a revvy to slow me down! I can't use that much paint.

        got a 99 sto off ebay in today, she's definitely a project lol


        • Hellion360


          Editing a comment
          I mentioned on facebook, I want that pump arm for my full body Merlin.

        • Magageddon
          Magageddon commented
          Editing a comment
          I'll let you if i decide to part, was actually planning on using it for the rebuild

        Local pickup from the Tippmann fairy! Two modern Tippmann’s I’ve never used. Ft-12 Rental and a TCR.

        Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_9075.jpg Views:	29 Size:	113.8 KB ID:	437349
        Last edited by Cdn_Cuda; 08-09-2023, 11:43 AM.
        Cuda's Feedback


        • William the Third

          William the Third

          Editing a comment
          There is a rare non-rental FT-12, but Tippmann didn't seem to make many of them. Only difference is black grips and says "FT-12" rather than "RENTAL". The FT-12 is actually a great rental, as it is so much easier to breakdown than any other Tippmann (it's like 95%+ toolless). Those are the older "heavy' FT-12, the newer "light" FT-12 have various weight reductions to get them to be about 1.5lbs lighter (makes them more of a pain to clean though).

        • Cdn_Cuda


          Editing a comment
          Haven't had time to pop one open yet. Interesting design at least! Might have to do a couple teardown threads in the Tippmann section.

        Never had my hands on a TCR but they always looked cool. Granted it’s a fully kitted-out TiPX, but the package seems to be presented well.
        Originally posted by Chuck E Ducky:
        “You don’t need a safety keep your booger hook on the bang switch.​“

        My Feedback Thread


        • Cdn_Cuda


          Editing a comment
          It’s an interesting marker with lots of thought out into it. Head over to the Tippmann section and I’ve got a thread on the breakdown. It’ll touch on some differences between the TIPX and TCR too

        Got a new set of grips in. I like this color combo a lot better! Unfortunately, I lost the spring for the detent in the process of cleaning the terr-air trigger assembly so it's still down. User error for sure but it sucks!
        Markers: Ripper Emek | A-Team LV2 | Hormesis LV2 | Skulls Emek
        Gear: CTRL Hoppers | IR2 Hoppers | HK Alpha Air tanks w/Powerhouse Regs | Carbon IC Barrels
        Clothes: Carbon Zero and multiple Proflex Masks | Carbon SC base layer and Jersey | Gatormaille G1 Caps | CK Hefe 2.5 Bandana Pants | Shulook Hiking Shoes
        Home Field: Hoppers, Savannah GA
        Previous Gear
        Share your paintball stories of growing the sport ->


          Just got her today!
          not my picture (I suck at taking them), she is more gorgeous in person.
          just need to rebuild the sledgehammer and brass ram and she will be ready to rock n' roll Click image for larger version

Name:	received_1968262066883740.jpg
Views:	336
Size:	177.2 KB
ID:	438314


          • Meleager7


            Editing a comment
            dat OG tear drop!!

          • Siress


            Editing a comment
            What a beaut. They even tried to match anno the knurled bolt.

          Project fodder:

          Click image for larger version

Name:	20230812_110736.jpg
Views:	236
Size:	2.82 MB
ID:	438484

          (Finally got to the PO, Alexndl )
          And God turned to Gabriel and said: “I shall create a land called Canada of outstanding natural beauty, with majestic mountains soaring with eagles, sparkling lakes abundant with bass and trout, forests full of elk and moose, and rivers stocked with salmon. I shall make the land rich in oil so the inhabitants prosper and call them Canadians, and they shall be praised as the friendliest of all people.”

          “But Lord,” asked Gabriel, “Is this not too generous to these Canadians?”

          And God replied, “Just wait and see the neighbors I shall inflict upon them."


          • Meleager7


            Editing a comment
            Lots of mystery in that lot......and I'm liking that little BW packet with the cocker spring and detents!

          • Toestr


            Editing a comment
            Make sure to shave down those BW detents before you use them.

          • Price
            Price commented
            Editing a comment
            props for the BW bits

          Got my first matrix!
          Attached Files


          • latches109


            Editing a comment
            Matrix can be super efficient. I remember guys getting 1500+ off a tank

          • jetenginekyle


            Editing a comment
            latches109 i plan to tune it for smoothness so mine definitely wont be getting that many shots per tank

          • Brokeass_baller
            Brokeass_baller commented
            Editing a comment
            You can still tune it to be somewhat efficient. Keep the dwell under 40ms (like, maybe 20-25ms), and do the top hat mod (wrap electrical tape) until you begin to lose velocity. There's so much useless room in the dump chamber, it's ridiculous.

            With that, you can still get a crazy smooth marker, and get 1000-1100 shots off of a 68/4500