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What did you get in the mail today?
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Hit up ODM for some custom 45 grips or some rubber hogue feel nice on the stock 45 frame.
Where would you find ODM? Is this it?
Markers: Ripper Emek | A-Team LV2 | Hormesis LV2 | Skulls Emek
Gear: CTRL Hoppers | IR2 Hoppers | HK Alpha Air tanks w/Powerhouse Regs | Carbon IC Barrels
Clothes: Carbon Zero and multiple Proflex Masks | Carbon SC base layer and Jersey | Gatormaille G1 Caps | CK Hefe 2.5 Bandana Pants | Shulook Hiking Shoes
Home Field: Hoppers, Savannah GA
Previous Gear
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This is the old man equipment loading system. It's actually made to load a scooter onto your car. But I can't hardly lift this box by myself when it's full and need the ramp to run this up onto it.
I have 4 setups in this box. I am bringing 4 markers, 4 tanks, 4 hoppers, gun stands, 2 masks, a water spray bottle, paint and paint hauler, 6-8 pods and my pod pack. I usually throw in the cooler, towels and clothes to play in and a shirt and hat for after. It also has a first aid kit and whatever paint I had left over from last time. I didn't bring my 10x10 tent this time but I normally have that too.
Eh.. big box out in the open covered in paintball stickers just screams steal me
Yeah I only go from the field to the house with it. I have a way to lock the box down to the trailer with a chain and lock. But no worse than people thinking there's tools inside. Honestly, I just can't keep lifting it into the back of the truck.
If I travel anywhere else with it, I will take it off the back and put it in the place I'm staying. I never leave my PE rolling bag in the car overnight either. I would never leave it sitting on the trailer without having eyes on it. But if I put it on the other way, it doesn't have any visible stickers.
Picked up a splash mag today, cleaned up the parts and did some part swapping, the rail was factory pump milled, so I added the AGD pump kit and got her shooting, I might swap the trigger frame to a stock single frame later, but like how she turned out2 Photos
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Hot dang, I couldn’t pass this one up, $168 out the door.
I still regret throwing out my original flex from high school, but having two masks now I’m starting to recover.
Having minty straps and fresh foam makes a big difference. Now all I need is another pair of foam soft ears to put inside the hard ears.2 Photos
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On my Bushmaster the Devastator handle is a little too big for my tastes. It blocks the sight rail a little. It looks like the Devastator on Vintage Rex has a taller sight rail, which would probably clear that up. I could put an actual sight on there which would fix it, but I've never been a sight guy. Either way, cool to figure out where this pump handle came from.
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Otis Driftwood Designs a flash in the pan anodizer that also did laser engraving beyond what was normally done for paintball.
Most of his work was theme based and very cutting edge for the time.... Iirc he started in 2006 and by 2009 was done with paintball people.
To see the rest of his work....
The Obituary: WE ARE NOT THE ORIGINAL OBBPB.COM You stumbled on the Oddpb fan site, we are not associated with oddpb in any way. Think of us as preservationists. We wanted to create a place to hold information about oddpb. All media is owned by their respective copyright holders. First off.... ODDPB IS STILL DEAD.…
Nice pickup, his work was insane at the time. Would love to track down the nerve he did.
Love my brass ... Love my SSR ... Hard choices ...
XEMON's phantom double sided feed
Keep your ATS going: Project rATS 2.0
My Feedback
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I had one of these, but I misplaced my light gun and a friend gave me his Konami LaserScope so I used to play "Gotcha!" first yelling "Fire" into it like you were supposed to then figured out I could just loudly exhale to fire.
Man, what a fun mail day!! Got a few things from JeepDVLZ45 left feed roundhead body, feed block, and a 15 round feed tube.
And a phrame trigger from flyweightnate1 Photo
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