You buy an old paintball gun, knowing it will need a LOT of tender loving care before it can see the field again.

You remove all parts you can, and boil the rest to loosen up the internals and remove some of the years worth of gunk so you can get it all the way apart.
You put all parts in zip-locks and label them (because you are old and KNOW you will forget exactly what they are).
Order seals and parts from two different sources, and sit back and wait for them to arrive. All the time being glad that you had labeled the zip-locks.
Parts arrive, you sit down to clean the pieces, dig out rotten orings, use some oil, rust remover, steel wool, and wet/dry sandpaper to get all the parts to work together again.
Get to the point where you can put the hammer back in, reach for the zip-lock, and find: No hammer! WTF? Where did that go? There had to have been one in the gun, since you have everything that would have connected to it and you can see it in the sellers pix.
You start the old person recovery procedure; Check everything!
Clean out and check the toolbox. Nope, not there... Toolbox now reorganized...

Check all the parts bins. Nope, not there.... Bins cleaned and sorted now...

Check the floor and surrounding area (cats will remove anything, especially if its in a zip-lock). Nothing... Floor is cleaned... Ran the magnet over it for grins, found a safety spring and bearing for a Sheridan... Score!
Check the trash bin. Nope... Trash now emptied...
Figure it's time to give it up for another day, get a beer, start putting parts back in zip-locks, tools back in their place, and remember that somewhere in recent memory you came across something resembling a paintball gun hammer. It was someplace that you would not expect to find paintball related parts, so I looked at it, and left it where it was. It must have been put there for a reason.
Got another beer (its now 1:30am) and started checking other areas, outside the workroom.
- Credenza (wallet, keys, sunglasses), nope not there.
- Bedside table, nope..
- Junk drawer in the kitchen, nope...
- Truck, nope....
- Bathroom, nope.....
- Gun safes, nope......
- Garage workbenches (no paintball work done here), nope.......
- Start on garage parts bins, nope........
- Odd ball tool chest, check all drawers, nope.........
- Main tool chest, check all drawers... Wait! WTF is that doing with the plumbing tools!
Back to the workbench to check the parts drawings... Yep, that's the missing hammer.
How it got in with the plumbing tools is beyond me. I don't remember doing any plumbing in the last few months, nor can I think of any reason I may have put it there.
I'm glad I don't play much anymore. It's hard to remember which flag station I'm defending, or how to get back to the staging area. Let alone keep track of whether I removed the barrel sock (or put it on), filled my pods, and air, and am wearing the right color of tape.
I'm getting old! Maybe that's why I always find one of the younger players with me on the field. I always thought they were looking to me for guidance, when all along they are keeping me safe...
(Living up to my name)
(Card carrying member of the Old Farts Paintball Players Association (OFPPA). Where you wind up the day, with beer and Bengay.)
You remove all parts you can, and boil the rest to loosen up the internals and remove some of the years worth of gunk so you can get it all the way apart.
You put all parts in zip-locks and label them (because you are old and KNOW you will forget exactly what they are).
Order seals and parts from two different sources, and sit back and wait for them to arrive. All the time being glad that you had labeled the zip-locks.
Parts arrive, you sit down to clean the pieces, dig out rotten orings, use some oil, rust remover, steel wool, and wet/dry sandpaper to get all the parts to work together again.
Get to the point where you can put the hammer back in, reach for the zip-lock, and find: No hammer! WTF? Where did that go? There had to have been one in the gun, since you have everything that would have connected to it and you can see it in the sellers pix.
You start the old person recovery procedure; Check everything!
Clean out and check the toolbox. Nope, not there... Toolbox now reorganized...
Check all the parts bins. Nope, not there.... Bins cleaned and sorted now...
Check the floor and surrounding area (cats will remove anything, especially if its in a zip-lock). Nothing... Floor is cleaned... Ran the magnet over it for grins, found a safety spring and bearing for a Sheridan... Score!
Check the trash bin. Nope... Trash now emptied...
Figure it's time to give it up for another day, get a beer, start putting parts back in zip-locks, tools back in their place, and remember that somewhere in recent memory you came across something resembling a paintball gun hammer. It was someplace that you would not expect to find paintball related parts, so I looked at it, and left it where it was. It must have been put there for a reason.
Got another beer (its now 1:30am) and started checking other areas, outside the workroom.
- Credenza (wallet, keys, sunglasses), nope not there.
- Bedside table, nope..
- Junk drawer in the kitchen, nope...
- Truck, nope....
- Bathroom, nope.....
- Gun safes, nope......
- Garage workbenches (no paintball work done here), nope.......
- Start on garage parts bins, nope........
- Odd ball tool chest, check all drawers, nope.........
- Main tool chest, check all drawers... Wait! WTF is that doing with the plumbing tools!
Back to the workbench to check the parts drawings... Yep, that's the missing hammer.
How it got in with the plumbing tools is beyond me. I don't remember doing any plumbing in the last few months, nor can I think of any reason I may have put it there.
I'm glad I don't play much anymore. It's hard to remember which flag station I'm defending, or how to get back to the staging area. Let alone keep track of whether I removed the barrel sock (or put it on), filled my pods, and air, and am wearing the right color of tape.
I'm getting old! Maybe that's why I always find one of the younger players with me on the field. I always thought they were looking to me for guidance, when all along they are keeping me safe...
(Living up to my name)
(Card carrying member of the Old Farts Paintball Players Association (OFPPA). Where you wind up the day, with beer and Bengay.)