i think you're describing the issue with reddit (and the general consolidation of the internet): its a website designed to host an infinite number of topics.
the communities are of varying quality, and they are sometimes abandoned.
i do browse it from time to time since i really don't have much social media, its interesting to see the mash up of web topics of the day. i wouldn't use it for advice on anything.
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WTF Reddit.
WTF Reddit.
When the site went down, I was extremely disheartened. MCB had been my paintball home since 2008. Coming back felt a bit depressing, so I stepped away. I somehow found myself in r/paintball. It seemed alright, but not to the expert level I'd known here. I started noticing things in posts.. Like an almost cult-ish following of the PE Emek.. Post after post of people asking about markers, and the top comment usually being someone mentioning the Emek. Its like a vegan in their first months of being one.. They gotta tell everyone.
So, that brings me to the point of this post. A similar post came up, a new player looking for their first marker. After two posts suggesting the Emek, I countered and brought up how intimidating the bolt of it is. I suggested that something a little simpler could be better for someone new... And got down voted into oblivion.. Others made counter points to my points, and I replied.. No one had any rebuttals for me.
It just turned me off from wanting to continue in the Cult of Emek..
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