I will check out r/paintball from time to time to help some of the newer players. Since Reddit is a popular site, r/paintball is an easy resource for new players to find (which is why they get so many new player posts). My comments there may not always be accepted by the community since they sometimes clash with the general hive mind consensus, but someone needs to be the one to be the one to do it.
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WTF Reddit.
The problem with Reddit as Doc pointed out is the voting system. There's no discussion because opinions that don't match the prevailing view just get downvoted to hell. The split on a given issue might be 60/40, but that sizeable minority gets effectively silenced by the voting system and the subreddit becomes a self-affirming echo chamber for the majority view. Reddit is a bullhorn for groupthink
Dulce et decorum est pro comoedia mori
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I have a cycle with Reddit. I have r/paintball on my front page, but I ignore 90% of the posts because of the aforementioned issues. I post quite a bit on r/rockncock, but it's a ghost town over there so I rarely get to engage much.
I've learned that Reddit is much better to just lurk and avoid the comments/discussion area. Now I pretty much just use it for melon viewins (and cute animal pics).💀 PK x Ragnastock 💀
I'd say best beginner gun is something like a GoG eNMEy. Only complicated part of it is the regulator and I frankly haven't even touched mine since I bought it and I've had mine since the pre order here like 8 years ago. It's grease the bolt orings, wipe the excess, if any, off the delrin and reassemble in a few seconds. Only marker I've seen that's even more simple for maintenance as a semi is my ond R6 eforce which was release sear, pull bolt and hammer lube both and replace which took all of 30 seconds.My feedback +38/-0 on old MCB
My feedback new MCB +1/-0
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"Pump paintball is cheaper than any drug habit I've ever heard of" - ApoC_101 on the old MCB
I strongly prefer the eNMey over the Emek, so much more fun to use.
Jonnydread I agree, for a mech semi you really can't beat the eNMEy it's light,efficient, fast and has all the things you need out of the box. Only upgrades would be a barrel and possibly an on/off both of which are found on the pro model but for the amount of extra money they want I'd say buy the base and upgrade it yourself for cheaper.
It's the size, I think. The eNMEy places the feedneck directly over the shooter's trigger finger, autococker-style, whereas on the EMek it's spaced forward about an inch and a half. If they could make an eMek that handled like the eNMEy it would be a perfect paintball gun.
Originally posted by Magmoormaster View PostI don't see the Emek as being any more complicated or intimidating to work on than the 98, which has been the gold standard for new players for 2 decades. The Emek is a genuinely great (albeit somewhat boring) gun. I don't think it's cultish for most of the paintball community to recognize that and recommend it because of it.
I hate reddit in general, mostly due to format. I just don't see the problem. But maybe I'm just drinking the eclipse kool-aid.
Emek is way more complicated than that. Maybe not to you but put yourself in the shoes of a new player. It would be like you trying to diagnose a problem with a blood transfusion pump
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I use Tapatalk which does NOT display comments. If you want me to see it, make it a post not a comment.
It's also worth pointing out that the average users on Reddit are in their early twenties. They're not all like that, but the average age on that site is way lower than Facebook, MCB, the USA in general.... In some ways, that's good. They tend to focus on different stories than the older people do, so I find it helpful to get on there to get a different perspective on various things. But it's only one tool in the box. Gotta balance it out with other things.View my feedback or read about my Virginia woodsball club.
Let me make you something. I build pneumags, auto-response frames, and wooden pill cases.
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.....what is Reddit?
It pops up in my searches but after the first couple times following a link to [it] I just plain ignore those links. Structure is alien and add/click bait overload I just plain avoid....
"When you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it." - Theodore Roosevelt
Feedback Link - https://www.mcarterbrown.com/forum/b...del-s-feedback
There seems to be a misunderstanding about how to use reddit. Reddit is a collection of topic-focused link aggregators (i.e. subreddits) with up/down voting and comments. The intent is that you join/ignore subreddits - becoming your own curator for the influx of new information. Your alternative is visiting news sites that cram all manner of things in front of your face that may or may not be relevant. Much with any social platform, the quality of the content is a reflection of the community itself. Some subreddit communities are garbage (r/theredpill - now quarantined! haha). Some are phenomenal (r/AskScience). It's up to you to join the subreddits of interest. In turn, your reddit home page is updated to reflect the new topics within that entire set of subreddits based on submission date, or recent up votes, or total upvotes, or which ones the algorithm thinks are "Best".
Again, the quality of the community can make or break a subreddit. It's up to you to choose accordingly. Why would you want to ignore this glut of information, though? Do you think there's a comparable alternative that is receptive to information from so many sources? Literally anyone can submit new information/links.
Oh, and someone mentioned ads. If you're not using an adblocker by now I don't know what to say to you. Firefox with uBlock origin and Privacy Badger will do wonders for your overall online experience. And before anyone tries to start debating the ethics of blocking ads - I'm not interested. That argument ended when adverts became malicious and invaded user privacy. At most, it's reasonable to advocate for a whitelist to be used with the adblocker. I don't advocate for it, but it's at least a reasonable argument. Personally, I think advertisements should be eradicated from modern society. Purchasing decisions should be made through comparative analysis - not familiarity with a product because some marketing wanks stained the landscape.Paintball Selection and Storage - How to make your niche paintball part idea.
MCB Feedback - B/S/T Listings:
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I don't think anyone here is misunderstanding how Reddit works. What people are taking issue with is how popular conceptions are what rises to the top and unpopular opinions or concepts are typically downvoted into oblivion. So, unless your post conforms with what a particular subreddit's members like to see, you can expect it to either be ignored, buried, or deleted. This often results in a toxic community and a collective hive mind mentality. To illustrate this point, try speaking positively about airsoft or stacked tube blowbacks on r/paintball and see what happens. Are there good, well moderated subs on Reddit? Of course there are. It's just that r/paintball just seems to be more akin to PBN than many of us would like to associate ourselves with.
I hate ads too and block them every chance I get. I pay for memberships like here to keep ads out and if I use the platform more than once in a while. Brave browser is pretty good with built in ad block as well.
Thanks for the tip on privacy badger.
Originally posted by Jonnydread View PostI have a cycle with Reddit. I have r/paintball on my front page, but I ignore 90% of the posts because of the aforementioned issues. I post quite a bit on r/rockncock, but it's a ghost town over there so I rarely get to engage much.
I've learned that Reddit is much better to just lurk and avoid the comments/discussion area. Now I pretty much just use it for melon viewins (and cute animal pics).“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” -Krishnamurti
Any social p!ss!ng contest is best to be avoided. I just about puked in my mouth when I first saw the "Like" function here in MCB3.0... I have since come to terms with it, but still think it's impersonal and dismissive overall. The voting system, and similar such systems, are weirdly addictive, like gambling. It's more anxiety than it is helpful. If you're in such a hurry that you can't use your words to leave a comment, then get off the freaking internet!If you need to talk, I will listen. Leave a message and I will call you back as soon as I get it.
IGY6; 503.995.0257
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Originally posted by DavidBoren View PostAny social p!ss!ng contest is best to be avoided. I just about puked in my mouth when I first saw the "Like" function here in MCB3.0... I have since come to terms with it, but still think it's impersonal and dismissive overall. The voting system, and similar such systems, are weirdly addictive, like gambling. It's more anxiety than it is helpful. If you're in such a hurry that you can't use your words to leave a comment, then get off the freaking internet!
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