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Are all old style pod packs shit?

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    Are all old style pod packs shit?

    By that I mean stuff like these:

    Like most players my only experience with these types of harnesses was with shitty knock offs included with those rip-off "Starter Kits". They were horrendously uncomfortable and bounced around like crazy when I tried to move.

    On the other hand, I do like the idea of having non-ejection pod pockets for recball and pockets to store stuff other than pods.

    I also really dig those retro camo patterns.

    Should I pick something like this up or will I just be disappointed?
    Attached Files

    There are some good quality ones. It’s just a different style that’s not as popular today. Nothing wrong with them. The reason pods went vertically is to lower the side profile the extra pods are stacked within the shadow of a bunker reducing side profile. Also vertical mounted pods don’t require you to stick your elbow out as far when pulling a pod behind cover. Reducing profile it’s more important on the Xball field.

    These stick out a lil more on your sides depending on your size. However they do pull easy but to pull your elbow will chicken wing out to grab a pod. Theses are designed comfort over performance. Perfect for a casual baller that wants a comfortable pack. If I was to get this design I would go with a Unique pack they are quality OG goods.


    • Chuck E Ducky

      Chuck E Ducky

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      Oh also with the pods vertical you are not restricted to one side of the body loading. You can reach across your back and grab more vs having to switch hands to load.

    I'm not a fan of the horizontal packs, but I know someone around here recently picked up a 2pod vertical pouch that looked very good. Stitched by some small company (one person operation? PB MAFIA maybe?).
    MCB Feedback


      Top left tiger stripe is a smart parts renegade. Have one I used for 15 years before I retired it. Still works when I'm playing semi with remote.


      • Brokeass_baller
        Brokeass_baller commented
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        I used to play at Indian Springs' factory field. Good group of people.

      • Grendel


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        I used to work a fair amount of time in Canton OH and would visit the Indian Springs field whenever I was there over a weekend.

      • Brokeass_baller
        Brokeass_baller commented
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        I wonder if we ever played each other. I started playing in 1998 at 10 years old, and I played pretty regularly after that. I was hooked after my first game.

        I was an annoying blonde kid with army/navy surplus BDU and a black Spyder Compact. Lol

      I would gladly use a Renegade pack today, any time I am not playing with my remote I use an Indian Springs pack, IMO no one makes good pod packs anymore and I love the old ones, but that is probably because no one is making single row horizontal packs anymore. You can get double row 6+1 packs, and those are okay I do like my 6+8 Ronin Gear Max Pac, but pods will always stick out the side and the weight of a tank and all those pods means that I really have to have a harness that goes over my shoulders to connect to my pack to be comfortable. Single row packs like some of the old Renegade ones, or even things like the JT Slam pack are what I prefer


        I really like horizontal pods ... I play with a 50rd hopper most of the time I do have a hopper, but I don't want 2 different harness (I got enough as it is ...) I really like the pb mafia that can reach from either side.
        it get 4x50 or 2 standard pods
        I usually shuv a rag in the second "pouch"
        Love my brass ... Love my SSR ... Hard choices ...

        XEMON's phantom double sided feed
        Keep your ATS going: Project rATS 2.0
        My Feedback


          Like Chuck said the unique packs were good for the old school stuff. Lip stiffeners made pods easier to in and out. As my waistline expanded I found them more comfortable with suspenders than the modern neoprene girdle variety too.


            Back when everyone ran 100 round pods (at most), the horizontal 2x2+1 and 3x3+1 packs were fine as the pods didn't stick out all that much, if at all. And back then we were predominantly playing woodsball anyway and were less concerned with shaving an inch off our silhouettes. With today's 140, 150, and 160 round pods, that design simply wouldn't fly. And as Chucky points out, with vertical pods it is both easier to pull pods without sticking an elbow out and possible to pull all pods with one had without having to switch.

            Many of the old school packs were quite well made, though. I still have my generic I&I Sports 2x2+1 pack and 100 round viewloader pods from the 90s in near perfect condition. The whole thing was made out of thick, high-denier nylon webbing material. Today I prefer my vertical basic HK 4+5 strapped pack, but keep the old school one around as a loaner. I like how high the modern packs fit, with the pods in the small of my back. My old school one uses a simple web belt with snap buckle, so the pods sit at my waist and below. That makes it tend to bounce more as I run, whereas a modern pack is isolated from my hips and less affected by my leg movements.

            The Automag: Not as clumsy or random as an electro. An elegant marker for a more civilised age.



              My favorite old school pod pack is the Unique Sporting 6 x horizontal pack. It's beautifully made and takes 6 x 100 round pods. The best feature of the Unique design is the ease with which you can put your empty pods back during a game. The flaps are stiffened but allow the pods to slide past nicely and then can be tapped closed. This is great for big fields where you don't want to drop your pods. The pack also has a 20 oz bottle holder a small pouch originally designed to carry a barrel plug.

              Click image for larger version

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                Originally posted by mikew View Post
                My favorite old school pod pack is the Unique Sporting 6 x horizontal pack. It's beautifully made and takes 6 x 100 round pods. The best feature of the Unique design is the ease with which you can put your empty pods back during a game. The flaps are stiffened but allow the pods to slide past nicely and then can be tapped closed. This is great for big fields where you don't want to drop your pods. The pack also has a 20 oz bottle holder a small pouch originally designed to carry a barrel plug.

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                You sound like you're trying to sell me one


                • mikew
                  mikew commented
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                  lol, no but I was using mine yesterday and kept thinking how good it was

                • Chuck E Ducky

                  Chuck E Ducky

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                  If you get one that style is the one to get. Thoes things last forever.

                The newer style Valken 4+1's are really nice. The first half of the pod pouches are stitched directly to the belt, and the back half is free from the belt. The pods sit further back and come to a point in front of the tank pouch. It's pretty slick. Lowers the profile quite a bit while still being easy to reach.

                The best part is they use a fat Velcro waistband, like modern vertical packs. So it's pretty dang comfy. Still has suspender clips if you prefer.

                They come in black, olive drab, and tan. But they used to come ins few camo flavors. I have a tiger stripe, and it matches their jersey print exactly. If you spend some time on eBay, or put some feelers out on the sub-$100 Facebook pages, you can probably find a young tourney player looking to get rid of it because it's too "newbie" for them now, or something. I paid $20 for mine, shipped. It's a great pack. Perfect blend of classic and modern.


                  another option these days are molle battle belts, this is the route i went. infinitely flexible, you can setup for stock class, 50 round pods, 140round, remote tank, whatever you want all off the same padded belt.

                  used for first time at an SC event over the weekend and the lower back support alone made it worth it. first time since I've been playing after a 20 year absence where I did not have to stop playing due to back pain.

                  i use frag grenade pouches to hold 50 round tubes, they have clip closures so it's impossible to lose a pod. use shotshell pouches for 12 round tubes. plan to get some 140 round holders for open walk on play. love the fact i can oriend pods or tubes in any direction, at any point around my waist.

                  old school kinda fit like the old unique packs, but way more usable.


                    Shit.... No, dated yes.

                    Personal preference though. Old style double horizontal packs have a huge side profile. Locally we call them "wingers" because you can see them poking out from behind players and bunker's.

                    That being said they have a ok time in the woods


                    • zinger565


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                      > because you can see them poking out from behind players

                      Just got start putting on some pounds to hide those! LOL

                    I have t-rex arms and am fat so reaching behind my back to grab pods in vertical packs isn’t easy. I find horizontal packs to work better for me. I don’t need a huge pack so I have a PB Mafia pack that is a 2+1. If I needed something bigger I would look for something similar to an old JT slam pack that holds the pods in a single row.


                      I like the old 100rd horizontal packs for carrying mags. I have a Shadow Systems pack that feels really good. It will also last forever because there's no elastic belt to wear out. I might look for a new one only because this pack doesn't fit many larger HPA tanks too well.

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