Alright Doc - a real recommendation here for repeatable and decent money.
Sniper / Autococker pump kits that feel good like a CCM.
Autococker / Sniper hinge trigger frames with a good auto trigger mechanism, that feel good like a CCM.
You don't have to make a CCM kit for it to feel good. There are a lot of ways they can be improved.
For example, it would be very cool to have the pump plate / mount actually integrate to the front of a pre 2k and a post 2k cocker in it's design. The pre 2k would be square and flat and match the profile of the original body, but maybe round the corners a bit so you don't get hurt from it.
The trigger frame, well you know all about those and I know its a lot of work.
You're looking at a situation where the pump kits people want are selling for over 100 dollars because CCM isn't making enough of them, and the trigger frames people want are selling for like 250 or 300 dollars because CCM isn't making enough of them.
I know that you won't sell many trigger frames for 300 dollars, but I think you can sell both the kit and the trigger frame for the right price IF they look right. Really it needs to be a product that people would want to put on their 600+ dollar raw / empty autococker bodies. It can be different than a CCM kit but it can't be a compromise. In my book all the other kits and trigger frames are inferior in one way or another, with the empire hinge frame + inception pump kit being the closest thing to a CCM setup.
BUT, a good pump kit with aesthetics better for a square cocker body would be really nice. HECK - give it the same rod spacing and diameter so it can accept CCM pump handles if you want.
Sniper / Autococker pump kits that feel good like a CCM.
Autococker / Sniper hinge trigger frames with a good auto trigger mechanism, that feel good like a CCM.
You don't have to make a CCM kit for it to feel good. There are a lot of ways they can be improved.
For example, it would be very cool to have the pump plate / mount actually integrate to the front of a pre 2k and a post 2k cocker in it's design. The pre 2k would be square and flat and match the profile of the original body, but maybe round the corners a bit so you don't get hurt from it.
The trigger frame, well you know all about those and I know its a lot of work.
You're looking at a situation where the pump kits people want are selling for over 100 dollars because CCM isn't making enough of them, and the trigger frames people want are selling for like 250 or 300 dollars because CCM isn't making enough of them.
I know that you won't sell many trigger frames for 300 dollars, but I think you can sell both the kit and the trigger frame for the right price IF they look right. Really it needs to be a product that people would want to put on their 600+ dollar raw / empty autococker bodies. It can be different than a CCM kit but it can't be a compromise. In my book all the other kits and trigger frames are inferior in one way or another, with the empire hinge frame + inception pump kit being the closest thing to a CCM setup.
BUT, a good pump kit with aesthetics better for a square cocker body would be really nice. HECK - give it the same rod spacing and diameter so it can accept CCM pump handles if you want.