I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to do this, I only wish it hadn't taken so long. In 2018, I was the recipient of JonnyDread's Walzmas giveaway - a GOG Enmey on the condition it go toward someone new to the sport. I added some pieces to complete the set - tank, hopper, swab, barrel bag, pods and pack, and tucked it away in my gearbag.
The following year I played mostly large/scenario games and didn't get to interact with many fresh faces, but the spare set came with me everywhere.
Last weekend, Jebus, vv0mp and Alex (who I don't think is on MCB) went out for some pick up games and ended up running our pumps with a group of renters. I had a great day playing stock class and chatting with younger players about the ancient equipment we were swinging.
Toward the end of the day, a game came down to 1v1, me vs renter. We are both pushing up aggressively. I jump one bunker, he jumps another. Again. And again. He dives into a bunker 20 yards away, I close the gap to 15. Both snap shooting at close quarters, frantic to find new corners to peek out for a shot... He goes quiet. I have a good view of the surroundings, so I hold. He must be waiting for me to get impatient and make a mistake, to rush into the open where he can use firepower to his advantage. I scan for movement, test the edges and cracks in the bunker. I'm preparing to just send it an-WHAP WHAP WHAP. I've been shot in the back, he's outmaneuvered me and caught me with my pants down, looking the wrong way. I congratulate him on an excellent play.
Catching up with him after the game, he said he's rented about 15 times and wants to keep playing. I tell him I've got a trophy for him, give the brief version of MCB and Walzmas, and hoped this would get him started. All he needs is to go to our locally owned proshop and pick himself up a nice mask, happy hunting Will!

Thanks again JonnyDread and Walz for all your generosity!
The following year I played mostly large/scenario games and didn't get to interact with many fresh faces, but the spare set came with me everywhere.
Last weekend, Jebus, vv0mp and Alex (who I don't think is on MCB) went out for some pick up games and ended up running our pumps with a group of renters. I had a great day playing stock class and chatting with younger players about the ancient equipment we were swinging.
Toward the end of the day, a game came down to 1v1, me vs renter. We are both pushing up aggressively. I jump one bunker, he jumps another. Again. And again. He dives into a bunker 20 yards away, I close the gap to 15. Both snap shooting at close quarters, frantic to find new corners to peek out for a shot... He goes quiet. I have a good view of the surroundings, so I hold. He must be waiting for me to get impatient and make a mistake, to rush into the open where he can use firepower to his advantage. I scan for movement, test the edges and cracks in the bunker. I'm preparing to just send it an-WHAP WHAP WHAP. I've been shot in the back, he's outmaneuvered me and caught me with my pants down, looking the wrong way. I congratulate him on an excellent play.
Catching up with him after the game, he said he's rented about 15 times and wants to keep playing. I tell him I've got a trophy for him, give the brief version of MCB and Walzmas, and hoped this would get him started. All he needs is to go to our locally owned proshop and pick himself up a nice mask, happy hunting Will!
Thanks again JonnyDread and Walz for all your generosity!