Some of you may remember my old barrel ID guide. Coming up on 20 years old now, and badly out of date. 
I've been meaning to update it, and add a bunch of threads that aren't listed- and maybe even add some actual specs. I had posted something like this on the old MCB, but as always, time got away from me, and I never got around to actually updating anything.
I know the page is missing the later two Angel threads, Model-98 thread and Ion. Can anyone think of any others?
And, if anyone wants to add to the descriptions- about a hundred more markers that take 'Cocker threads have come and gone since I originally posted that.
Plus more Tippmanns, Spyder threads, etc. etc.

I've been meaning to update it, and add a bunch of threads that aren't listed- and maybe even add some actual specs. I had posted something like this on the old MCB, but as always, time got away from me, and I never got around to actually updating anything.
I know the page is missing the later two Angel threads, Model-98 thread and Ion. Can anyone think of any others?
And, if anyone wants to add to the descriptions- about a hundred more markers that take 'Cocker threads have come and gone since I originally posted that.
