Over a decade ago I snagged a pre2k belsales autococker right-feed, with a really sick anodizing of blue and metallic marble pattern, looked like blue marble that had been chipped, and beneath the chips was chrome. It had all original ano'd parts like grip ASA, backblock, pneumatics cover, extendable gas-through stock, nickle plated belsales pneumatics, nickle palmers HPR, chromed heavy steel barrel, some custom chrome bolt, belsales and palmers internals, polished slide trigger with 3 set screws.
I played with it only once, she was always a troubled girl. I quickly learned how to time it properly, how to fully strip and rebuild it, but for some reason the hammer always had a bit of an issue with catching on the sear. The ram and bolt cycled fine, the ram length made sure the bolt barely edged into the breach, all springs were still sprung and when it fired it was smooth, 3way tuned to give a small window between firing and cycling.
I never figured out what was wrong with it, later I wondered if it was something do with the hammer lug not being set to the right length but by that time it ended taken apart and collecting dust in a closet before being sold along with everything else I owned to get out of paintball.
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One that got away.
Originally posted by boarder2k7 View Post
I see why you liked it, that's an awesome color. At least you know where it is so hopefully it can make its way home some day.
Been keeping my eye out for another one in beat up shape I can recreate it with but no luck so far.
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Back around 2015 I sold a RT Classic I built from parts that had a very rare black 'euro-feed' body, and the whole thing was damn near mint condition. I loved it above all my other markers, but as my wife was in nursing school, and we had a kid in a very expensive daycare, we had no money. I had to sell off all my markers, and a bunch of collectibles like diecast WW2 tanks, books, etc, just to get us some extra cash to get by. It was very depressing, and the lowest point in our marriage. Years later I found the guy who ended up with my RT on Facebook. He is a well known mag guy, and I let him know that I used to own it and would love to buy it back. He was totally cool about it and said if he ever did that he would be sure to give me first dibbs. Fast forward a couple years to earlier this summer and he put it up for sale on one of the FB Automag group pages, saying that he hoped the original owner would hit him up because he couldn't remember my name. Unfortunately, for some reason, I never saw his post until the next day, by which time he had given up locating me and sold it off. I was stunned and pissed that by some fluke I had missed out on getting my baby back. The seller felt real bad that I hadn't reached him earlier, and the new owner reached out to me to find out the back story of the RT. Well, he ended up being the nicest guy in the world, and I couldn't help but be happy that it ended with someone cool that I'd totally invite to play with my group if he was local. As a happy ending, back in '19 I had luckily snagged another black 'euro-feed' RT off ebay from a long time Automag Org member, and built it into almost the exact same marker as the RT I had sold off and I use it every time I play!
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Im on ebay a lot, i feel that got away from me feeling constantly on their. So much cool stuff comes and goes. On here too of course.
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There for a long while, the one that got away was my very first marker... a BE Talon I had modified with a 16" rifled ThunderPig barrel. But I managed to track her down and she is back where she belongs.
I had an old 98 that got away. It had all the paint ground off, a hacked off rear sight, homemade low pressure modded valve, homemade lightened hammer, homemade top-cocking mod, PPS Stabilizer, probably a homemade anti-chop bolt from before I realized they were garbage, of course a J&J Ceramic barrel (they were "THE" barrel for Tippmanns back in ~2000)... I'm sure I am missing something, as the list of modifications to it was never-ending... it was the byproduct of boredom and experimentation. Pretty sure it had an aluminum powertube and Orange bolt, though. Hopefully I wasn't stupid enough back then to hack up an Orange bolt for a stupid anti-chop mod, but I was 14, so anything is poasible. It had mis-matched screws holding the clamshells together, but I don't think I ever chopped the shell for whatever quick disassembly mod was semi-popular at the time.
I have absolutely no use for a Tippy 98 right meow, but if I ever see that old hunk of $#!+ pop up for sale, I will probably be compelled to buy it.
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I don't miss any of the guns I've sold. My current collection makes me way happier.
I wouldn't mind having my first Cocker- a Mini with an Eclipse hinge- but the one I have now duplicates all the parts except the body and blocks. I'm also done buying more guns, so, unless it's given to me for nothing, I won't go out of my way to get it.
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Originally posted by fullofpaint View Postthis specific British Racing Green ano color
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Haha I got down to 6, then some stuff came up... I will probably buy #10 later today.
Only gun I regret selling is this Eclipse Cocker:
Scored the body as a kit and hunted down the rest of the parts. Got turned down by everyone except FX when I told them I wanted this specific British Racing Green ano color. Honestly never shot super well, but I loved the look of it.
Had to sell it when a gig went bad and left me really hard up for cash. Killed me because nobody was interested and it sold for way less than it was worth. Next owner got almost double for it. The current owner isn't interested in selling it back :/
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Oddly enough, my highly upgraded Piranha Evo. It had a CCM feedneck, Boss blade trigger, delrin bolt, Alamo city hammer, Evil detonator reg, and a full Evil pipe kit. It's actually in my avatar. It shot so well for a lower end marker. I had to sell it for rent money long ago when I first starting living on my own.
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I learned how to play using a blue acid washed VSC Phantom with clear parts I bought off eBay. Eventually I bought an SS-25 and neglected that Phantom. Took it apart one day and never put it back together again and with 3 MUCH younger siblings running all over the house, piece by piece it disappeared.
All because I was too lazy to put it back together. I kick myself in the ass for losing it that way.
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Even the markers I had somewhat of an attachment for, I end up selling. Sure, I will miss them but I know I can get something similar if not the exact gun back. That being said, there is one Phantom that stands out I wish I hadn't sold. Bought it off ebay for cheap, has super cool factory ano. Did a bunch of stuff to it, sold it like an idiot. I think maybe I will try to hunt it down now.
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Wow 2 guns?! Last I heard you had 12. I approve of this downsize, being a "minimalist" myself - or at least trying to be.
years and years ago, i stumbled across the spyder E77 and E88 (prototypes?) on ebay. Action Village. There was also a custom anno spyder that i couldnt afford. I picked up the two but had to leave the grey body. When i went back, it was gone. It was black with yellow splash (?) i can t even remember the details at this point.
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