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Yelling "Get Out!" in Rec-ball

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    Yeah it sucks. A lot of paintballers suck, honestly. Most sports generally have an element of toxicity to them. And shooty games are always bad for that.

    Considering others I play with have mentioned hearing it a fair amount, I'm starting to think I'm noticing it less than others. In big games I hear it, and from time to time on the rec field, but maybe it's just been normalized for me.
    Originally posted by Terry A. Davis
    God said 640x480 16 color was a covenant like circumcision.


    • Jordan


      Editing a comment
      It's probably fresh in my mind as the last time I played was at the local pump night and one player in particular was, at least from my perspective, a tad more aggressive than I felt was warranted.

      I'm cool with a "hey, check your (insert word)" in a conversational tone - anything else makes me start looking for the scouts obviously hiding somewhere in the brush looking for the next Lasoya to sign.

    My favorite encounter with this was when I was helping ref a big game at my little local field (like 50-60 players). Two "scenario teams" from bigger fields nearby came out and were put on opposite sides. I wasn't reffing their area of the field but I could always tell where they were from the buzz of electros and the constant yelling back and forth of "Get out!"


      I hate it too, but I will take it over the full-on tantrums I see every time I go to a woodsball field.


      • Magmoormaster
        Magmoormaster commented
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        It's almost always tryhards.

      • MrBarraclough


        Editing a comment
        Magmoormaster Let me guess, dudes in color-coordinated HK Army speedball Power Ranger getups with their brand new pod packs on upside down?

      • Magmoormaster
        Magmoormaster commented
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        MrBarraclough not at all. That's me and my team, lol. But we're pretty chill.. The guys I'm talking about, I kid you not, are a pump/low cap mech team wearing full camo, combat boots, and shemaghs. The more I think about it, the more bizarre it sounds but it's true. They accuse EVERYONE of cheating, have tried starting fights (like mentioned in my comment below) and having just watched some of their gopro videos they do the "GEDDDOOOOOOOWT" thing too.

        There's another, previously high profile woodsball team, that also has a similar bad attitude. Don't think they've tried starting fights, but they always whine about cheaters when they lose.

      Yeah, that's some obnoxious agglet nonsense. It's annoying in competitive play and absolutely uncalled for in rec play.

      My local field has a simple solution to it: "Say the word, take the walk." If you shout any form of "Out!" or "Hit!", you are presumed to be calling yourself out and the refs will pull you for playing on if you don't immediately walk off.

      If you know (or think) you've hit someone, a friendly "Check your [pack/shoe/whatever]!" is fine. But the expectation is that you be specific, not just calling "Check yourself!" after flinging a bunch of paint at a bush or bunker.

      Another thing that helps keep the shouting down at that field, which is woodsball only and mostly renters, is the field policy of not counting gun/hopper hits. Yes, that means we have to be extra vigilant about teaching kids not to blind fire and about enforcing the rule against it. But it completely eliminates having experienced players screaming their heads off at oblivious 12 year olds with hits on the fronts of their hoppers.

      The Automag: Not as clumsy or random as an electro. An elegant marker for a more civilised age.


      • glaman5266


        Editing a comment
        "Another thing that helps keep the shouting down at that field, which is woodsball only and mostly renters, is the field policy of not counting gun/hopper hits. Yes, that means we have to be extra vigilant about teaching kids not to blind fire and about enforcing the rule against it. But it completely eliminates having experienced players screaming their heads off at oblivious 12 year olds with hits on the fronts of their hoppers."

        I like this rule for renters and beginners. I played with this rule a lot when I was learning & teaching others. To add, it helps give those newbies a "second chance" so they don't have a bad time getting shot out right away every game.

      • Arthur
        Arthur commented
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        My field does no gun hits and cry baby incidents fell dramatically. They do have to constantly remind no blind firing though.

      Some people take it way too seriously. It goes along with the “winning is everything” mindset. It’s walk-on rec woodsball. I honestly don’t care if my team wins or loses as long as I’m having fun. Don’t get me wrong. I try my best to help my team come out on top in the end but if we don’t then it’s no big deal. There’s nothing on the line. There’s no money, trophy, ranking, etc. at the end of the day. I still do what I’ve always done. If I’m fairly sure I’ve hit someone I might say “you’re hit on your hopper” but never in an aggressive way. Guys treating every game like it’s Sunday at World Cup would really suck most of the fun out of it for me. Thankfully it hasn’t been a real problem at my local field.


        Originally posted by Magmoormaster View Post
        I hate it too, but I will take it over the full-on tantrums I see every time I go to a woodsball field.
        I don’t see much of that that where I play woodsball, despite seeing more blatant cheating. If anything, it’s an excuse to throw a fat rope at those cheaters, provided they’re not renters/newbies. While I play honorably, I’m not above that course of action.

        But with the shouting, there’s a time & place. IMO that place is mainly high-level tourney ball, and is necessary by the nature of it’s format.
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          It's stupid, but it happens. I don't care, I have worked construction long enough to have heard just about any insult you could think of, so for me it's whatever. But nowadays I typically play with you MCB degenerates, so there's never a dispute anyway. Heck, we don't usually need a ref, other than for a timer and those sweet sweet action photos we all crave.

          My lady though, she had a bad interaction with one such a-hole, screaming at her and yelling get out. The game we were playing was the last of the day, and the completely unbalanced team setup lead to our team's complete annihilation. We literally lost every game that day, and the field had no interest in anything other than catering to their precious tourney players, let alone switching the teams up at all. So this guy's is screaming and yelling like that at an amature player, a woman, during a scenario event for fun that his team had won all day long. She almost quit paintball completely because of it. She went off and screamed at the guy, loud enough for everyone to hear it from the parking lot. Luckily, I have since got her out to a good old stock class event, and she loved it.
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            Originally posted by glaman5266 View Post

            I don’t see much of that that where I play woodsball, despite seeing more blatant cheating. If anything, it’s an excuse to throw a fat rope at those cheaters, provided they’re not renters/newbies. While I play honorably, I’m not above that course of action.

            But with the shouting, there’s a time & place. IMO that place is mainly high-level tourney ball, and is necessary by the nature of it’s format.
            There are definitely some bad attitudes among the local speedballers (myself included, i tend to rage a bit when I'm overshot), but man I've seen so many woodsball players flip out. Usually they're adamant someone is cheating, even when refs are hovering over the supposed cheater and confirm they didn't. Sometimes full on fights ensue. The one time we had a local woodsball team out to the speedball field we had to threaten to call the police to get them to back down.

            One time, a woodsballer came to play speedball, there were maybe 4-5 of us total, no one of any particular skill. I was playing with my trilogy, got into the snake, got behind the woodsball guy and shot him in the harness. Only shot once, saw the ball break. He tried checking it, but after 23- seconds hadn't called out. So I shot one more time. He stood up, ripped his mask off (game was still going), screamed something about "THIS IS WHY I DON'T PLAY SPEEDBALL!!!" and stormed off the field. Packed up and left.

            I know this kind of thing is largely localized and it'll be different depending on the field and area. But like I said, around here, the speedballers tend to be ok. Sometimes it gets heated, there's plenty of "GEDDOOOWWWT"s but I've never seen have literal adult tantrums.


            • glaman5266


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              Oof, I've never heard of calling the cops for something like that. Wowzers.

              "I know this kind of thing is largely localized and it'll be different depending on the field and area."

              I think that's a big part of it. When & where I learned to play it was the speedballers that caused the most ruckus, which most of the players around here back then were (& why pb here has been dead since 2008). Location is a key thing.

            • MrBarraclough


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              "The one time we had a local woodsball team out to the speedball field we had to threaten to call the police to get them to back down."

              That is absolutely nuts. I can hardly imagine having to deal with that where I play. Of course, that might also be because the owner of my local field happens to be a cop and would shut that nonsense down immediately.

              While I hate hearing this as a woodsballer who likes to think of woodsball as being generally friendlier and more relaxed than speedball, I must admit that I always raise an eyebrow at the mention of "woodsball team." Too often that ends up meaning "group of friends who like to gang up and steamroll newbies during what is supposed to be rec play."

            • Magmoormaster
              Magmoormaster commented
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              MrBarraclough re: "woodsball teams," that's absolutely the case here.

            A guy I frequently play with who's a former tourney player, good dude, but still a hot head. Very easily set off. He grabbed another player's arm and pulled it up to show him where he shot him lol... luckily it didn't escalate but he's always mad at his half working guns and everyone else is the problem type of attitude.

            He was once on the other team and himself and two or three others had me pinned down pretty good and just unloading my bunker. He kept yelling at me that I was out but had a red watching as I laid there snapping out everyone trying to flank, including this guy. Got him in the arm and he was all "I got you!!! I got you though!!!!" He cools off quickly, but yeah it's hard being around the mega try hards that treat every game like world cup.
            Feedback 3.0


              Thankfully I've never experienced such stupidity at my walk on games nor at big games or tourneys I've played as everyone knew each other. That said if I know I hit someone and they wiped (and I've seen that more times than I care to admit, I've watched the ball burst and then see them pop out clean not 2 seconds later) I'll make sure next time I shoot em it's with at least 3-4 as kind of YEA WIPE THAT ya jackass type gesture. That in mind as the group I play with is all my age or older we don't have time or energy for stupid shenanigans so that worry is mostly contained to big games where I may not know every single person at the event.
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              "Pump paintball is cheaper than any drug habit I've ever heard of" - ApoC_101 on the old MCB


                The field owner at the field I used to play at definitely agreed with the OP's assessment, to the point of having an actual rule against it. During the pre-game safety/rules lecture, he'd always say "anyone not wearing one of these (pointed at his orange safety vest) is NOT allowed to try and be a ref." More than once, I'd hear someone try to yell "GET OUT" and it would inevitably be followed by a much louder yell of "GODDAMN IT (lastname), DON'T TRY TO DO MY JOB!"

                For the record, the field owner was one of those crazy "once a jarhead, always a jarhead" type "former Marines"; the colorful salty kind, not the douchebag kind. As such he really knew how to make his voice carry lol.


                  I may be counter to the current here but, I have been known to tell folks to get out. I generally don't with First Strikes- I'm too far away most of the time to see my hit clearly enough that I feel right to make a call, or that hollering will do something about it.

                  With roundball though, I'm generally just calling out folks who may not know they have been hit with stuff like "On your hopper", "On your pack", yelling loudly enough for them to hear me but, not like I'm pissed. Know what I mean? Typically, this is happening when the player / area / ref ratios are such that you may go a minute or more before you can see a ref. Newer players will almost always take the hit and at least pause due to confusion- "Where'd that shot come from?", "Did I just get shot by my own team?", "what do I do?" Give them a moment and they will usually call themselves out. I generally only call out hits that the players can't feel, when they are not really accessible to me (i.e. we're facing each other, and behind bunkers).

                  On the other hand, what bugs me are the folks who I've flanked, and they play like they are in a tournament and aren't out until a ref pulls them. I mean, like when I come up on a former Bad Company player's 7-8:00 as he's standing behind a tree, laying down a rope and, I'm close enough that when my shots hit him (ribs/kidney), he literally jumps. As soon as his feet touch the ground, he pivots and starts shooting (9-10:00) before he even picks up where I'm at, presumably to go for a one for one missing in any case. Or the other times, where I shoot a crouching experienced player in the back or ass (because that's what's exposed to me as I'm rounding them) and they don't bother with checking themselves, they simply tuck in closer, and keep shooting at whatever they were shooting at, or even do the bunker wipe. I will yell quite a bit louder to get them out.

                  Originally posted by Tom Kaye, in response to FS price critics:

                  Unfortunately all of you have played the one "speedball" game of paintball for so long you can't conceive of other ways to do this and hence any new ideas seem stupid.
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                  • Chappy


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                    Have you ever changed a veteran wiper into a veteran who checks his hits by raising your voice?

                  • uv_halo
                    uv_halo commented
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                    Fortunately, the wiping isn't as common. Do I reform them as a player- I doubt it. If anything, my yelling draws attention they don't want. I will clarify that I keep it civil.

                  • Impactfour


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                    It makes all the sense in the world to call out a hit that a player might not notice in recball, hoppers, pod-packs, and gun hits etc. Players who play through hits like you've described are best approached through the refs in my experience. I've got a good relationship with my local refs, when a player wipes or plays through hits that they clearly felt I bring it up to the refs.

                    I had an awful experience at "take the town" the scenario game where many players stopped calling hits, that was frustrating beyond belief as someone playing stock class, but it wasn't worth my energy to yell at them once I knew they didnt appreciate the spirit of the game. Best let the people who get paid to do it deal with it.

                  On Saturday I was at supergame (teak I know scenario not rec) My daughter was playing and I got hit and was out of paint while she was on the field. I dropped my gun and reinserted to go keep an eye on her and take some pics of her and the mcb crew. After a bit i started running around the area to be a target and have a little fun. At one point I did a fairly brazen run up to a bunker while doing finger guns and loudly yelling pew pew, which got a good chuckle out of the folks in the area. The next time I popped up I got gogged. The guy who hit me yells very loudly for me to GET THE F@@K OUT! I mean, I was, the paint had barely broken when he started screaming. My hand was going up immediately he didn’t have to yell. I guess I didn’t treat paintball as the same serious business he does, or maybe my fingers intimidated him. I don’t know but my kiddo learned a good lesson about having fun no matter what the douchbags think.


                  • jokers


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                    Just for clarification when you were taking pictures and doing that kind of thing were you still using cover and "playing" the reason I ask is I have seen a couple people out being videographer and they get mad when someone shoots them.

                  • Chappy


                    Editing a comment
                    Correct. I was making sure not to be shot while I was out there. I took the pics from way back and then moved up. I actually reinserted a couple times because my kid was holding it down. And I got shot while doing finger guns, that will never not be fun.

                  • Arthur
                    Arthur commented
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                    lil wee wee energy is his problem.

                  When I played a lot, I played rec/scenario ball. There would eventually be speedballer/tourney guys that get a bead in my general direction. I am not stealthy or sneaky, however, I do know my cover. What usually happens is a string of fire from someone that is twitching an electro trigger lighter than a mouse button in my direction. They screen "GET OUT, YOU'RE OUT!!!" The usual response. I calmly check my gear and self to verify that I have spray and no clear hits, and the tree and brush in front of me has sucked up all the paint. My response is usually "No Break, keep trying." I am not trying to be a jerk. I mean there is no point for me to run, move, and be accused of wiping. I am there. They got a good chance and maybe one ball will make it through the brush to get a good hit on me. I have yet to fire a single shot, and they are still pelting my general direction. If it is a good field, I will call for a ref to make the final call to call me out or good. That is not always the case. A lot of time there is no ref to be found around me.

                  I will eventually move, but I am telling the guy there is no break...and giving them props to keep trying. This is not a taunt. I got something better if I want to taunt someone :-D.

                  As for photographer and video guys, I deliberately do what I can to shoot around them and not have them get shot up. I mean they are out there with expensive gear trying to make you look good. Why should you inflict pain on them, for doing their job?


                  • Chappy


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                    Yeah and to be clear I’m not claiming I was out there as a photog or anything. I was a player shooting pics then finger guns.

                  I think I might need to clarify my comment about videographers, I do not have an issue with them being out there nor do I intend to shoot at them, however most of the time if someone is out as a photographer or video guy they will be in a ref uniform or something that will say "DO NOT SHOOT ME!". When someone is out taking photos of friends they are often in their standard dress and there is little way to tell if they are carrying a camera or marker from distance. If someone is being a videographer, then playing, then going back to videography, I will be treating them as player and take shots at them if I can. I wont start yelling at them or swearing at them though. I also wont yell "you are out!" I am talking in a scenario / big game.
                  In a speedball match I will just sit out if there is a photographer in the playing area, I do not want to chance hurting their equipment or shooting at them when they are not an active player.
                  In regards to recball it really depends on who, what, when, where, and why. But in general if they do not look like they are playing I will ignore them. If they are in the way I will do what I can to shoot around them and if they are giving away another player I will tell them and the other player during the break.
                  At all times if I shoot a true photographer I will apologies immediately and likely find them afterwords and apologies in person.

                  To answer the original question I will call in a paint check like other have said "check your hopper, check your pack etc" I do not agree with yelling "Your hit, Your out, etc" since I have had hundreds of times I "knew" I hit a friend and when asking them after the game it hit branch or bounced.
                  My Feedback:


                  • JeeperCreeper


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                    The Mrs. went and tried the photography thing, even wore a reflective safety vest and she still got lit up multiple times. It just a occupational hazzard. To be fair, someone pointing a camera with a zoom lens at you can be indistinguishable from a marker being aimed at you in those split seconds.