In my pursuit of a high speed VL revolution BrickHaus was kind enough to donate a tsunami impeller.
today I had some spare time (after mandatory post-thanksgiving Christmas decorating) because my wife fell asleep from excess lunch turkey, so I decided to do a little spearmint.
100 balls were placed in a pod, balls were replaced when broken and other balls/revy/pod were wiped out.
each impeller got 10 timed trials through the same VL revolution using the same batteries. (Should have used fresh batteries at the beginning of each impellers testing, but I’m lazy and the battery box was upstairs)
the results are as follows:

the tsunami impeller was noticeably faster at the beginning of each of its tests, but as the hopper emptied it seemed to take a couple balls for a ride around a couple of times, increasing its time significantly.
even with that drawback, the tsunami still managed to outperform the standard impeller, which is good, because I tested that one second and don’t want to disassemble the hopper again.
in short - for years I’ve heard that revys feed “about 10bps” and now I know that it’s true.

today I had some spare time (after mandatory post-thanksgiving Christmas decorating) because my wife fell asleep from excess lunch turkey, so I decided to do a little spearmint.
100 balls were placed in a pod, balls were replaced when broken and other balls/revy/pod were wiped out.
each impeller got 10 timed trials through the same VL revolution using the same batteries. (Should have used fresh batteries at the beginning of each impellers testing, but I’m lazy and the battery box was upstairs)
the results are as follows:
the tsunami impeller was noticeably faster at the beginning of each of its tests, but as the hopper emptied it seemed to take a couple balls for a ride around a couple of times, increasing its time significantly.
even with that drawback, the tsunami still managed to outperform the standard impeller, which is good, because I tested that one second and don’t want to disassemble the hopper again.
in short - for years I’ve heard that revys feed “about 10bps” and now I know that it’s true.