I know there was already a thread, but the recent post on Stargate SG-1 brought the idea back up.
I have a quick-and-dirty "database" of Paintball Guns In The Movies that I started years ago, helped greatly by a thread in the old MCB. At the time, I had access to a couple sources to borrow various DVDs, or... shall we say, not-DVDs.
Those sources have dried up or moved on, and I've since bought a few off eBay or Amazon to make other entries.
I don't have the spare cash nor really the time for too much of that these days, so I'd like to ask for some help from you ladies and gents.
If you can get me a screenshot or two, and if possible any other info, of a movie or TV show for which I don't have any yet, I'll post it. Or, if you know of a show that has equipment but isn't on the list yet, let me know that, too.
You can post it all here, email it to me, PM, binary smoke signals, whatever works.
And it doesn't have to be strictly markers. Masks are used a lot for 'future soldiers' and the like, there's a listing in there where somebody's using a JT chest protector as "body armor", and the movie Demolition Man has a CO2-cartridge wristband.
And, we have a place for things that people commonly mistake for paintball guns- tranquilizer guns mainly, but also not-a-firearm prop weapons- Divergent had something that a lot of people thought was a modified Phantom pump, but looking closely at the screenshots showed it was a prop made specifically for the show.
So let's see if we can get this fleshed out a little more!
I have a quick-and-dirty "database" of Paintball Guns In The Movies that I started years ago, helped greatly by a thread in the old MCB. At the time, I had access to a couple sources to borrow various DVDs, or... shall we say, not-DVDs.

I don't have the spare cash nor really the time for too much of that these days, so I'd like to ask for some help from you ladies and gents.
If you can get me a screenshot or two, and if possible any other info, of a movie or TV show for which I don't have any yet, I'll post it. Or, if you know of a show that has equipment but isn't on the list yet, let me know that, too.
You can post it all here, email it to me, PM, binary smoke signals, whatever works.
And it doesn't have to be strictly markers. Masks are used a lot for 'future soldiers' and the like, there's a listing in there where somebody's using a JT chest protector as "body armor", and the movie Demolition Man has a CO2-cartridge wristband.
And, we have a place for things that people commonly mistake for paintball guns- tranquilizer guns mainly, but also not-a-firearm prop weapons- Divergent had something that a lot of people thought was a modified Phantom pump, but looking closely at the screenshots showed it was a prop made specifically for the show.
So let's see if we can get this fleshed out a little more!
