I recently picked up an ERA just to shoot it next to my AMP. Below represents light backyard testing, I have not played a game but did shoot paint. Here are some things I found.
I have a shooting video and will follow up with more images if anyone is interested. There was little difference between the two. Dwell was the same, FPS was the same. I checked my FPS after every part swap. I did a lot of swapping, more than listed above, and everything seemed to move over fine. I will double check my work. ERA is supposed to handle brittle paint better. I did not test this. From an efficiency standpoint there seems to be no difference. Sound, in a quiet space, yes you will hear a small difference - on field with 10 other people shooting you will not hear a difference. It feels like the same gun, with different milling. They should release an AMP upgrade kit like the IM Pro kit for the DYE DSR+. It was nice that DYE did that without releasing a whole new marker.

to use the AMP bolt on an ERA I added the oring to the blue bolt guide. To use the ERA bolt on the AMP I removed the origin on the black bolt guide. Shot and chrono was the same. It did not change anything, so don't go running off to try and buy a ERA bolt for the AMP - that would be a waste of money.

- The whole bolt assembly is a direct swap.
- I was able to use the ERA bolt in an AMP if you remove the oring pictured in the PINK box
- I was able to use the AMP bolt in an ERA if you add the oring pictured in the PINK box
- By keeping green arrows together I could swap between bolt assemblies
- I used the AMP in the ERA and vice versa with no issues. I removed/added the oring on the bolt guide deepening on the bolt I used.
I have a shooting video and will follow up with more images if anyone is interested. There was little difference between the two. Dwell was the same, FPS was the same. I checked my FPS after every part swap. I did a lot of swapping, more than listed above, and everything seemed to move over fine. I will double check my work. ERA is supposed to handle brittle paint better. I did not test this. From an efficiency standpoint there seems to be no difference. Sound, in a quiet space, yes you will hear a small difference - on field with 10 other people shooting you will not hear a difference. It feels like the same gun, with different milling. They should release an AMP upgrade kit like the IM Pro kit for the DYE DSR+. It was nice that DYE did that without releasing a whole new marker.
to use the AMP bolt on an ERA I added the oring to the blue bolt guide. To use the ERA bolt on the AMP I removed the origin on the black bolt guide. Shot and chrono was the same. It did not change anything, so don't go running off to try and buy a ERA bolt for the AMP - that would be a waste of money.