Alright, it’s (almost) that time of year….time for Walzmas in July!!!
So, last year I decided to help Jonnydread raise some funds to help a young man in Kenya get back on his feet. I did this by “raffling off” some paintball items.
I liked the idea and would like to put some more “good juju” into the world
I came across Killerito ‘s thread about raising money for a humane society as well as raising awareness for special needs kitties.
So, i would like to raffle off a PMI Black Maxx that I received from my Secret Santa this year with a 50 round Winchester hopper. The PMI is a cool little marker (nice and light) and the Winchester pairs nice with it.

How it Works:
Every dollar you donate towards “BB” earns 1 chance to win.
I’m not looking for proof, just post how many entries you have (or PM me if you want to remain anonymous
At the end of the contest, I will randomize everyone’s entries and make a list of names in that random order.
Each entry will be assigned a number and that number will correspond to a “shot”
Similar to last year’s fashion. I will go out back with my youngest daughter (the cat person in the family) and she will quench her thirst for blood by shooting at me.

If she misses a shot (or it bounces) that entry is eliminated.
I will subject myself to as many rounds as it takes until 1 entry remains…that person is the winner.
And for everyone’s amusement there will be videos (and I am ABSOLUTELY going to Chrono her marker before the contest this year.
The “raffle” closes on July 4th (just because) and we will (weather depending) start the eliminations on the 4th as well.
If you have any questions, post them up!!
So, last year I decided to help Jonnydread raise some funds to help a young man in Kenya get back on his feet. I did this by “raffling off” some paintball items.
I liked the idea and would like to put some more “good juju” into the world
I came across Killerito ‘s thread about raising money for a humane society as well as raising awareness for special needs kitties.
So, i would like to raffle off a PMI Black Maxx that I received from my Secret Santa this year with a 50 round Winchester hopper. The PMI is a cool little marker (nice and light) and the Winchester pairs nice with it.
How it Works:
Every dollar you donate towards “BB” earns 1 chance to win.
I’m not looking for proof, just post how many entries you have (or PM me if you want to remain anonymous
At the end of the contest, I will randomize everyone’s entries and make a list of names in that random order.
Each entry will be assigned a number and that number will correspond to a “shot”
Similar to last year’s fashion. I will go out back with my youngest daughter (the cat person in the family) and she will quench her thirst for blood by shooting at me.
If she misses a shot (or it bounces) that entry is eliminated.
I will subject myself to as many rounds as it takes until 1 entry remains…that person is the winner.
And for everyone’s amusement there will be videos (and I am ABSOLUTELY going to Chrono her marker before the contest this year.
The “raffle” closes on July 4th (just because) and we will (weather depending) start the eliminations on the 4th as well.
If you have any questions, post them up!!