Originally posted by KMDPB
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The only other things I can think of would be a motorized piston arrangement like an airsoft- also already tried with the... what was it, the E-Volt? Which went over like a lead salami.
Any other compressed gas will be far more expensive to use and source, any other combustible fuel will be more difficult to use, more expensive, and as was rumored around the C3, risking BATF oversight.
A new brass, nelson valve pump to come to market.
Somebody could get away with a "limited edition" sort of thing, but it'd be a marker four or five times the cost of a production unit.
All I want is a better ball

Unless you come up with a new way of molding a ball so it has no seam, or perhaps a more distributed seam, like on a baseball or soccer ball. And, of course, still keep the price-per-ball about the same.

Do we need innovation?

Thing is, at this point it's unlikely we'll see any major changes- there just isn't enough money in the sport to drive significant R&D. So the 'innovations' we'll see, for the foreseeable future, will be incremental- the aforementioned valves, minor tweaks to the Gamma Core style 'engines', minor streamlining to loaders, etc.
We need to innovate more people to the field.
After all, the quality and accuracy of the gear doesn't matter if there's no one to use it.