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Local paintball field had no chronograph nor comprehension of what one was

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    Unfortunately, my home field is like this. They have a big red but they keep it in the rental shack to test the rentals with because "players keep shooting it" when they leave it at the target range. It drives me insane. I bring my own hand-held when I go for my friends and me to use, but I'm considering buying my own big red and then plopping it out on the range for the day when I play there.


      Step one) ask who their insurance provider is

      Step two) call said insurance provider

      Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk

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      • Chuck E Ducky

        Chuck E Ducky

        Editing a comment
        Snitches get stitches. I would definitely talk to the owner first.

      With the prices they charge you'd think they would have all the required equipment.

      If I have the wrong website please let me know so I can correct myself.

      Click image for larger version

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        Originally posted by jetenginekyle View Post
        With the prices they charge you'd think they would have all the required equipment.

        If I have the wrong website please let me know so I can correct myself.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
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Size:	106.3 KB
ID:	635593​
        Holy crap. You would have to be there every weekend to make those memberships pay off

        Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk

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        • PBGunny
          PBGunny commented
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          I'm still trying to get over the $70/month +tax for 6 months... $840 per year just to play with field paint during the weekday?
          Wondering what the accessories that you get 10% off at the Elite status?
          Water? Squeegies?

        I was at an event last spring and a few guys were talking about this “legendary” field with an owner that refused to let anyone put barrel covers on. Can’t remember what it was called but believe it’s still in operation. Justification was that you should have enough trigger discipline to never need a cover. Stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.
        WTB Acid Wash Phantom Parts


          Originally posted by redsquirrel View Post
          I was at an event last spring and a few guys were talking about this “legendary” field with an owner that refused to let anyone put barrel covers on. Can't remember what it was called but believe it's still in operation. Justification was that you should have enough trigger discipline to never need a cover. Stupidest thing I've ever heard.

          Early in my paintball days I almost lost an eye in the staging area. Friend had a spyder, put it down and I think the frame was loose. First ball shot out the barrel plug, second one went about 6 inches to the right of my head

          Tell me how trigger discipline stops that?

          Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk

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          • redsquirrel


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            Exactly. Scary stuff. I reffed for a while as a first job and it was about every other weekend that a shot would go off in staging. Into a sock or plug though because we were very serious about safety.

          Originally posted by Trbo323 View Post

          Early in my paintball days I almost lost an eye in the staging area. Friend had a spyder, put it down and I think the frame was loose. First ball shot out the barrel plug, second one went about 6 inches to the right of my head

          Tell me how trigger discipline stops that?

          Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
          Had a Spyder Imagine do the same thing to me in staging. Rear frame screw completely backed out. Frame sags, sear slips off the hammer, fart. But, I had a barrel sock on, so no one got hit. .


            I played at a field that had no chronograph. I was a bit surprised they operated this way. The field was very disorganized and very throw together. We still had a blast regardless as it was a workplace get together. I checked all the markers before we played got them close. But this field was a “camp” the paintball part of it was mostly after thought. I never went back. Though they did have some classic JT bottoms on the wall I should have snagged. I’m pretty sure the reff lived in a tent on the side of one of the fields.

            I would just talk to the owner. Shooting hot sucks but it’s not like the ball will blow through a ASTM certified paintball lens. It’s in the owners best interest to get a chronograph. I don’t understand why anyone running a business wouldn’t want some way of verifying velocity. It can creat a bad experiences and run your business into the ground. I feel like a chronograph should be the first step entering a Paintball business. It’s not a super expensive investment especially considering the consequences.

            Nobody but the insurance company wins snitching them out to the insurance company. Unless you’re looking to shut down a local place to play and or inflate everyone’s cost to play. Maybe shoot them an email about it explaining why the Chrono is important for safety and customer experience. They may just not know much about paintball and basic safety standards.


              Definitely against their insurance policy as they usually state somewhere that ASTM/ANSI safety certified/rated goggles are required. Those tests and certifications have max fps stipulations in them etc. Send them an email or call the ownership, and if you get no response or brushed off, leave them an honest review (like you've done here) and see how quickly a chrony shows up!

              My bet is they'll get away with it until someone gets hurt. If the person that hypothetical gets hurt decides to sue them, insurance won't cover any of the field ownership's expenses if it's proven there was no chronograph or way to check velocity on the day of the injury.

              I get the hot gun and safety concerns, but think of the flipside of this: low fps shooting rental guns. I played a recball game last year with some regulars and a group of rentals, after buddying up in a bunker with a rental kid one round, I realize I'm shooting way farther than he is (and I had chrono'd at the range that day around 270). When the round was over I asked our ref to check him and with an attitude he said "I don't have a chrony, and that's a rental anyway, I don't have to check it." Long story short, I take the kid to the chrony range and his rental (Emek) is only shooting 220-230. So I turn it up to 275ish and the very next round he's out there taking heads and not lobbing bounce shots across the field. New players need the best experience everytime.
              Last edited by ATBen; 12-29-2024, 09:24 AM.


                Thankfully, even outlaw ball is easy to do safely with a handheld chrono. I’m a stickler for safety when I run outlaw games. We clock everyone in below 280 to account for rising temps and co2. The goal is to ensure mothers and wives allow their boys to go balling again, not to send them home with bleeding welts.

                I’ve seen the local field neglect to tell players with their own gear to chrono. It’s disappointing, but my crew always checks.
                Originally posted by Chuck E Ducky:
                “You don’t need a safety keep your booger hook on the bang switch.​“

                My Feedback Thread


                  I have played without chroning before but it was outlaw ball and we were using my markers and I knew they were all close or under 280 so we were fine, iv never been to a field that didn't chrono and I'd never go back if they didn't sorry that's just unsafe, one of the last tines I played I almost got into a fight with a guy cause he has his STBB turned all the way up and didn't understand why that was a problem, look at how fucked up my wlts were that what, threw out the stupid be a man line and I almost lost my shit, my head was ringing after catching some dome shots I think not my guy, he had never actually played at a field though either he was strictly an outlaw baller had played paintball for years but didn't even know what chronograph was 🤦‍♂️


                    My community college put together a "paint ball" day. Yes, they did spell it as two words. I even mentioned it to the lady who made the flyers around campus and she argued with me saying it was correct... Yay higher education!

                    But the field they chose was one I had never been to so, sure let's try it out. On the bus ride there i was chatting with the only other person who brought his own gear. A pretty beat up ion who didn't even know how to change the battery so naturally, it was dead.

                    Got to the field and the first red flag was when I noticed the whole operation was run out of a single shipping container. Not even a large one either. It's not very clear where anything was, field? Maybe that way? Chrono station? Perhaps those few half erected nets? (Spoiler, yes) Air fills? No idea.

                    The second red flag was when I asked what their field velocity was and where's the chrono. Refs response was "oh, you're good" . I think he caught on to my concerned look at least because he then explained that the rentals are all shooting around 260, but they never actually check them but because I have my own gear I was ok to shoot at 300 or 310. He then assumed that because I had been playing elsewhere that I chronod there and therefore there was no need for me to use the Chrono or for him to get it out

                    I then got my own Chrono out of my bag and set up for 270ish

                    Ok. Time to play! Let's go to the field. Everyone walking out, no masks on, figured I would see some marker between field and staging. No. Ref just stops and says, "ok here's the field you can remove your barrel plugs (yes plugs, no mention of put your mask on first. )

                    He splits us up, goes to roughly the center of the field and.... Starts smoking a cigarette while his mask is still on top of his head. He then proceeds to start the game in exactly this fashion, seemingly more concerned with his cigarettes than what's going on on the field.

                    A little later in the day, they found a rental marker on the field. Just, sitting there, behind a bunker. They didn't even know they were missing one and said it must have been there for at least a week because that's when the last rental group came through.

                    Through the day I was doing my best to educate people on why they should keep their masks on. At one point there was a firefight within 20 feet of the area the ref was calling something like "here's the area you go when you are out and it's ok to take your mask off because there's a magical barrier that stops all paint from reaching you here" at least that was what it seemed like he was calling it.

                    Pretty sure that field didn't survive long

                    Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk

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                      I would say that with co2 being mostly abandonned, and hpa being pretty widespread.... hot guns are very rare now.
                      Thats not a valid reason not to have a chrono. People can still crank the guns above the limit, and regs can fail leading to reg creep.

                      But the 90s was a scary time. You would sometimes get some really hot guns, like if the automag went liquid. Or those days that started out cold, but got hot in the afternoon.
                      The chono was priceless. Beats the method we used on the 80s. If we suspected a hot gun, we would shoot at trees and see if the bark got knocked off


                      • The Hobbit

                        The Hobbit

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                        I think the bark thing is a universal “chrono” method for outlaw play. It isn’t right but I remember doing it when playing in the woods with friends.

                      Originally posted by Hp_lovecraft View Post
                      I would say that with co2 being mostly abandonned, and hpa being pretty widespread.... hot guns are very rare now.
                      Thats not a valid reason not to have a chrono. People can still crank the guns above the limit, and regs can fail leading to reg creep.

                      But the 90s was a scary time. You would sometimes get some really hot guns, like if the automag went liquid. Or those days that started out cold, but got hot in the afternoon.
                      The chono was priceless. Beats the method we used on the 80s. If we suspected a hot gun, we would shoot at trees and see if the bark got knocked off
                      The other one I heard was putting a rock on a ledge. If it moved to much/got knocked off, then you were shooting hot. .


                        Since you’ve been gone the game has actually changed to “open velocity.” I go through so many O-rings…

