Wether it was a marker going down right before the start of a match because you had to futz with it in the pits. Or getting a marker back from a fresh new anno job just to drop it and f*** it all up. Tell us all stories of your greatest paintball blunders... that you are brave enough to tell! 
ill go first (oh boy I really didn't want to tell this one till i was able to make it right)
so the story starts with me finding a basically never used raven primal for sale on letgo (original box and an unopened spare parts kut and all the tools and papers) with orings turned to goo and buying it for $50 (OH YES, this story involves me f****** up a RAVEN PRIMAL). I so sowwy
so this piece of garbage, awkward, useless with anything inside his hand besides someones pecker, decides after probably the 15th bong hit of the day "Oh I cAn TaKe ThiS aPaRt MySeLf AnD gEt It ShOoTiNg" (let be real, even sober he still couldn't have fixed it)
no I didn't drop it, no I didn't break it trying to put it back together. Nope! I just got frustrated once i got 75% through dissembling it because it wasn't going well and i went "F*** this noise im gonna go listen to diary of a madman". And guess who never "got around to fixing it later"

So around and around from house to apartment to another apartment. A few of the pieces got lost along the way. One of my greatest failures in my book. Forget the tomatoes and just cave my head in with a vm68. I deserve it.

ill go first (oh boy I really didn't want to tell this one till i was able to make it right)
so the story starts with me finding a basically never used raven primal for sale on letgo (original box and an unopened spare parts kut and all the tools and papers) with orings turned to goo and buying it for $50 (OH YES, this story involves me f****** up a RAVEN PRIMAL). I so sowwy

so this piece of garbage, awkward, useless with anything inside his hand besides someones pecker, decides after probably the 15th bong hit of the day "Oh I cAn TaKe ThiS aPaRt MySeLf AnD gEt It ShOoTiNg" (let be real, even sober he still couldn't have fixed it)
no I didn't drop it, no I didn't break it trying to put it back together. Nope! I just got frustrated once i got 75% through dissembling it because it wasn't going well and i went "F*** this noise im gonna go listen to diary of a madman". And guess who never "got around to fixing it later"

So around and around from house to apartment to another apartment. A few of the pieces got lost along the way. One of my greatest failures in my book. Forget the tomatoes and just cave my head in with a vm68. I deserve it.
